Using TurboTax to file his taxes last month, Sam chose an interesting new option for his refund: a TurboTax-branded Greendot prepaid debit card. He doesn’t have a bank account at the moment, and wasn’t receiving a huge refund, so this seemed like a good option. He tried to use up the card soon after receiving it in order to avoid the monthly “maintenance fees” that come with prepaid debit cards. What he didn’t know was his account really began on the day that he requested it online, so he was paying monthly fees when he had the card for barely a week. [More]

TurboTax's Pricing Scheme Is A Little Confusing
You depend on the company that makes your tax preparation software to actually be good at math, but Kevin is a little confused when looking at the pricing scheme for TurboTax this year. It doesn’t make any sense, he points out, if you need to file state income taxes, or if you’re filing returns for multiple households. [More]

Stay On Top Of New And Overlooked Deductions
Are you up-to-date with all the tax code changes this year? The TurboTax blog rounds up some of the newest tax credits and highlights deductions that people sometimes sleep on, like the long-term resident credit and unemployment and job search deductions. More coin in your coinpurse means you can buy all the churros you want this year! Update: Looks like we broke their blog. Here’s a cached copy of the post in question. [More]

At Least TurboTax Is Honest When It Tries To Upsell You
Dan spotted the pictured address bar as he filed his taxes and the free version of TurboTax propositioned him to download the state version of the software. [More]

TurboTax Charged Me $30 For An Upgrade I Didn't Realize I'd Ordered
Cindy says TurboTax sped her through a filing session that ended with her paying about $30 to upgrade to the deluxe version, even though she didn’t realize she’d made such a purchase. These are the sorts of issues that make Tax Cat purr in quizzical contemplation. [More]

Turbo Tax Tells You To Print An "Extra Form" But Won't Say Which One
Turbo Tax told reader I’m A Super that he needed to fill out an extra form to complete his state tax return, but wouldn’t tell him which form. Just to be safe, I’m A Super re-downloaded Turbo Tax only to get the same error message. When he called Intuit to ask about the mysterious form, he was that it was solely his responsibility to call the State Tax commission and to review his tax forms to make sure nothing was missing.

Turbotax Robot Is Alive: These Are The End Days
I’ve joked about the singularity before, but this time it I have documented proof of the robotic uprising. Stare into the face of true evil, and ready your magnetic resonance cannons after the jump.

Turbotax Online is Down
We have gotten a few emails that inform us that Turbotax’s new online application, the suitably named “TurboTax Online”, is down. Anyone else having a problem? Let us know in the comments. [Thanks, Numerous Tipsters!]

Get One Free Tax Answer
Got a Federal tax question you can’t figure out? Input your question at now through Jan 31st and they will call you back within 24 hours with an answer or guidance. Limit one question per person.

TurboTax Price Hike Reversed After Online Outcry
Intuit will rescind the controversial new $9.95 fee for each additional printed return, in response to angry customers online who, among other things, slammed TurboTax’s Amazon rating to one star. [Press Release] (Thanks Craig!)

TurboTax Doesn't See Anything Unusual About Your $1,635,335 In Moving Expenses
Reader Elijah is glad he gave his taxes a manual check before sending them off. Despite accidentally inflating his cross-country moving expenses from $1,635 to $1,635,335, TurboTax’s audit check said Elijah’s return was “green” — meaning that he was at low risk for an audit. Now, Elijah’s wondering: If $2,000 error on his tax return wouldn’t put him at risk of an audit, what would?
A roundup of places to find deals on TurboTax products. [ProBargainHunter]

Turbo Tax Accidentally Donates Your Money To The Oregon State School Fund?
“We are getting calls from people who are saying that they used some kind of an electronic software program to file their tax returns and that they did not check the box to donate their kicker,” said Rosemary Hardin, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Department of Revenue. “When we bring up their tax return, that box is checked.”

Free No-Frills Tax Prep Software From H&R Block
H&R Block is offering Tax Cut Basic federal tax preparation software to directly compete with TurboTax. It’s free, for a price.

IRS Is Really A Nice Guy, After All
Next time the IRS bangs on your door asking you for your tax form, just tell ’em your dog ate it. Your dog named TurboTax.
H&R Cock Blocked
Last week Intuit, makers of Turbo Tax, sued H&R Block for mimicking its advertising campaign. Block’s ad “copies the physical appearance, dress and mannerisms of the characters in the TurboTax ad, as well as the set, staging and pace of the advertisement,” said Intuit in a statement.