While you’re munching on sticks of margarine and snorfing down packaged snacks, is there a nagging feeling tugging at your brain? Like there’s something you have to remember but… It’s gone, and one group of researchers says it’s that consumption of trans fats that can do some damage to your memory. [More]
trans fats

After Being Called Out Publicly, Joe’s Crab Shack Says It Should Be 100% Trans Fat-Free This Summer
Yesterday, restaurant chain Joe’s Crab Shack was called out by the Center for Science in the Public Interest for continuing to use margarine with a high level of trans fat, in spite of claims made on the eatery’s menu that Joe’s doesn’t use the controversial oils. In response, the company says it plans to get rid of this last bit of trans fat in the coming months. [More]

Health Advocates Say Joe’s Crab Shack Is Breaking Its “No Trans Fat” Promise
Seven years ago, the new owners of the 130-location Joe’s Crab Shack restaurant chain promised to completely stop using controversial artificial trans fats in the cooking of its menu items. But the folks at the Center for Science in the Public Interest say Joe’s is breaking this promise by serving up heaps of trans fat-heavy margarine on some dishes. [More]

Church’s Chicken Criticized For Continued Use Of Trans Fat Oils
While fast food will likely never be mistaken as healthy eats, most fast food chains, including McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, and most recently Long John Silver’s, have realized that using oils containing trans fats, which increase your bad cholesterol and lower your good cholesterol, is probably a bad idea. But not every major chain is stepping out of the fast food stone age. [More]

Study: NYC’s Restaurant Trans Fat Rules Have Actually Resulted In Healthier Citizens
New York City health officials are crowing over a victory they’re claiming over the forces of trans fats, after a new study says the city’s ban has actually helped citizens consume less of the stuff. That change in eating habits should then lead to a healthier population overall, says the report. [More]

Study: Bad Food May Spur Depression
While the idea of a giant, greasy fast food burger and a plate full of fries may put a smile on your face, actually ingesting the meal may damage your psyche. Spanish researchers who tracked the dining habits of more than 12,000 people over six years found that those who ate the most trans fats — which are found in some fast food and pastries — were 48 percent more likely to become depressed. [More]

9 Foods You're Not Allowed To Buy
Fortune magazine has compiled a list of 9 “forbidden’ foods that have been banned (for some reason or another) in the US. Trans fats in NYC, foie gras in Chicago… Here’s the list:

Coffee Shop Accidentally Forwards Embarassing Internal Emails To Customer
Reader X sends us an internal email chain that was accidentally forwarded by some executives at Beaner’s Coffee.
Companies are racing to take out trans fats from their products. But what of the fats they’re replacing them with? [WSJ via Consumer World Blog]

Inside Dunkin's Virtually Trans-Fat Free Donut
Dunkin’s research and development manager, Rick Golden, one of the few people in the know, slept with his cellphone by his pillow every night during the trial, waiting for someone to call with a doughnut crisis. No one did.
Trans-Fats Banned In Philadelphia
The Philadelphia City Council has unanimously passed a city ordinance banning trans-fats from most dishes served by restaurants:
Burger King Testing Trans-Fat Free Oils
Fast-food chain Burger King Holdings Inc. on Wednesday said it started testing in its restaurants several trans-fat free cooking oils and plans to roll one out nationwide in late 2008.

How KFC Went Trans Fat Free
Business Week has an interesting article about all the R&D that went into Trans Fat Free KFC.
Starbucks Removes Trans Fats, What?
Last year, the company introduced trans fat-free cranberry bliss bars nationwide “but we didn’t let people know that.”

Food Industry Funded Group Really Worried (For You) About Trans Fat Bans
The Center for Consumer Freedom posted a full page ad in today’s USATODAY.
Taco Bell To Cut Trans Fats
From Yahoo News: “Taco Bell will be the latest fast-food chain to cut artery-clogging trans fats from cooking oils in its U.S. restaurants, the company announced Thursday.