
Consumer Reports: HDTV Buying Guide

We love HDTVs and so does Consumer Reports. Yay! Extensive internet research tells us that there is a good chance you are in the market for a HDTV; this information couldn’t have come at a better time. CR is a fan of the recent price drops on big HD sets, and, while they like flat screen TVs, the best deal is a real-projection set, “Sleek, thin LCD and plasma flat panels are the hottest TVs out there, but if you’re in the market for a truly big-screen high-definition TV, check out rear-projection TVs. These give you the most screen for the money–50, 60, even 70 inches–and some offer top picture quality.”

Wii Inventory Tracker

Wii Inventory Tracker

Sick of looking for a Wii to buy your ingrate kids? Here’s a tracker that automatically checks websites for Wii availability. Best Buy is noticeably absent, but otherwise it seems comprehensive. —MEGHANN MARCO

Wine to Bring for Thanksgiving

Wine to Bring for Thanksgiving

So you’re going over to someone’s house for Thanksgiving, and you don’t want to be a bum. Bring wine! But…what kind of wine?

HOWTO: Negotiate Your Gym Membership Like a Diva

HOWTO: Negotiate Your Gym Membership Like a Diva

Getting a gym membership without getting screwed is next to impossible, right? Wrong. Here are some simple negotiating tactics that will have you jazzercising in no time.

Save the Planet; Save Money.

Energy Star appliances will save you enough money to warrant you purchasing them regardless of tax breaks, but hey, why not get some tax breaks?

HOWTO: Negotiate Fair Pay

Let’s face it, women don’t get paid as much as men. Why is this? Aside from obvious reasons like “Men are sexist douchebags” there’s also the fact that fewer women negotiate when it comes to things like salary offers or their yearly raise. Why? Who knows. The point is, it’s appropriate to negotiate. If the men in your office are getting paid more than you are, put a stop to it with a few negotiating tips from

Cancel Recurring Charges, Even When They Won’t Let You

Cancel Recurring Charges, Even When They Won’t Let You

Recurring auto-biller won’t let you cancel your account online?

Stock Up on Cheap Hurricane Supplies

Channel 10 in Tampa. FL has an interesting consumer tip. Stock up on Hurricane Supplies. They’re on sale. Sort of like buying Christmas decorations the day after Christmas, but more morbid.

Holiday Airfare Tips

Let’s face it. You miss your mom. Today would be an excellent day to book your holiday travel arrangements. Northwest airlines has just announced some big discounts following their 1.2bn losses in the 3rd quarter. Yay!

HOWTO: Choose Your First Credit Card

HOWTO: Choose Your First Credit Card

Choosing your first credit card is serious business. Reader Travis writes in with a question: How should he choose his first credit card? It’s a good question.

Avoid the Biggest Web Shopping Annoyances

Avoid the Biggest Web Shopping Annoyances

PCWorld today posted an article on circumnavigating hassles while shopping online.

Fix Stuck Pixels

We’re a little skeptical about it, but here are a few programs that claim to be able to fix stuck pixels and decrease plasma/LCD burn in. The basic idea is that the program will rejuvenate the pixels by turning them on and off 60 times a second. You can use it on your computer monitor, or hook up your computer to output to any device experiencing these malfunctions.

HOWTO: Avoid ID Theft

HOWTO: Avoid ID Theft

According a Gallup poll 19% of consumers report having their financial information stolen including a bank or credit card number.

Preparing to Fall Back

Howdy kids! Fall Back Day is Sunday and this here is the very last Halloween that will fall after the end of Daylight Savings Time. Why? The Energy Policy Act of 2005, extends Daylight Savings Time by 4 weeks! The result? An estimated energy savings of 1% nationally.

Save Time. Waste Money.

Do you ever wonder how much more you’re paying for convenience food items? Individually wrapped prewashed potatoes? Microwave popcorn?

HOWTO: Dispute a Utility Bill

HOWTO: Dispute a Utility Bill

While it doesn’t compare to Michelle’s $27,933.55 bill, last year we received what can only be called a totally bullshit $170 electric bill for a month when everyone was out of town. The problem was–we had no idea how to dispute it. Call in our Uncle Mickey? Scream colorful metaphors into the telephone?

HOWTO: Grocery Shop on the Cheap

Oftentimes, people will grocery shop hungry, forget the list wadded in their pocket, and grab whatever looks yummy. Once home, they realize they bought 16 rotisserie chickens, a box of Chex Mix and a 6 pack of Rolling Rock.

Monday Morning Readers Round-Up

It’s Monday, and that means it’s time to spin the Consumerist faucet for a fresh influx of tips again.