Video, video, video. That’s basically all any and every platform wants to talk about, here in 2017: how much video it can stream, and how many people are watching it. But one step in getting people to watch live video on your platform is making sure the folks making those videos have an incentive to keep making them. There’s only so much people will do for their own amusement. So what better enticement than more money? [More]
tip jar

Donation Drive Raises $8,292.04
Thank you everyone who contributed to! Together we raised $8,292.04 for Consumerist. Thank you for your awesome show of support. The monies raised will go to help defray the costs of writers’ salaries, servers and legal costs for the site. Now, as promised as a sort of cherry on top of this whole endeavor, stay tuned for the Consumer Reports Snuggie test video… (Photo: Kila (kee-la))

New Video! The Adventures Of Getting Meg To Wear Her Lab Coat
Yes, it’s hard to get Meg to cooperate and be a team player. Check out the newest Tip Jar Video (we’re at $7,947.74 through, can we get to $10k?) to see what Ben had to go through to get his rascally co-editor to play ball and wear her lovely powder blue lab coat.

Consumerist Gets A Tip Jar
I chased Meghann through the hallways of Consumer Reports, a blue lab coat flapping in my hands, myself sporting an identical lab coat. She ducked and dodged, and every time I thought I had her, she reappeared in an opposite doorway and was overall a very wily opponent.
Some interesting thoughts concerning the tyranny of “the tip jar” from the Wall Street Journal. [Wall Street Journal]