Just over a year ago, AT&T and Time Warner proposed one of the biggest mergers of all time, a $85.4 billion deal that would bring together the owners of CNN, HBO, and DirecTV in a single company. The merger had a deadline of Oct. 22, which the companies have extended for an unspecified “short period of time” to gain regulatory approval in the United States. [More]
time warner

The 5 Best Parts From John Oliver’s Report On Corporate Mergers
You don’t have to read the business pages to know that recent decades have resulted in massive corporate consolidation. Whether it’s air travel, wireless service, internet, banking, or eyeglasses, a number of industries have enjoyed such merger mania that only a few national competitors remain. [More]

FCC Chair Ajit Pai Has No Plans To Review AT&T/Time Warner Merger
In recent years, the FCC played a key part in blocking the mergers of AT&T and T-Mobile, and Comcast and Time Warner Cable, while also using its regulatory leverage to place pro-consumer conditions on the mergers it did approve — like getting Charter to agree to not use data caps for seven years. However, the FCC will apparently give AT&T its wish and not even chime in on the pending merger of AT&T and Time Warner. [More]

AT&T: It’s Fine For Us To Buy Time Warner Because We’re Too Small To Hurt Competition
AT&T’s plan to buy Time Warner — the parent company of several cable networks, not the cable company that Charter snapped up last year — was greeted with a surprising amount of skepticism right from the start. Even though AT&T is sidestepping a lot of regulatory scrutiny by not seeking FCC approval of the merger, lawmakers have continued to ask why this merger would benefit anyone other than the shareholders of these companies. AT&T’s response: Competition or prices won’t be affected because we’re such a small-time player in the pay-TV business, and Time Warner’s viewership numbers are low. [More]

AT&T CEO: Merger With Time Warner Still On Track To Close By End Of Year
Mergers are never a sure thing, but the recent political atmosphere has been, let’s say, even less predictable than usual. Even so, AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson remains optimistic that his Death Star will be able to acquire Time Warner and all its juicy media properties before the end of the year… and that the FCC won’t be involved in approving the deal. [More]

Senators Call On AT&T And Time Warner To Explain How Merger Will Benefit Americans
During the campaign, then-candidate Donald Trump talked openly about putting a halt to the pending merger of AT&T and Time Warner, he has since appointed an FCC Chairman who has historically been pro-merger. That’s why a handful of Senators have called on the two companies to explain how this consolidation will be in the public interest. [More]

AT&T Thinks It Might Be Able To Avoid FCC Review Of Time Warner Merger
A merger of the nation’s largest pay-TV provider (and second-largest wireless service provider) and a major multimedia conglomerate with multiple cable channels might seem like a gimme for review by the Federal Communications Commission, but AT&T now thinks it may be able to avoid or minimize scrutiny from the agency in its efforts to acquire Time Warner. [More]

ESPN, ABC, Fox News, Fox Sports All Joining Hulu’s Eventual Live Streaming Service
Once upon a time (two whole years ago!) the idea of successfully getting an internet-based cable alternative up, running, and profitable seemed, perhaps, like a pipe dream. These days, even though we don’t know if the ventures are exactly profitable, the online competition to get your monthly TV dollars is fierce. And now Hulu is latest player to grab some big headliners for itsplan to start zapping linear TV channels to your online eyeballs. [More]

Why AT&T Is Buying Time Warner, And Why So Many People Aren’t Happy About It
The time from new rumor to signed deal was only about two days, and yet here we are: AT&T is putting the moves on Time Warner, planning to bring the content powerhouse under its roof. This proposal will now, of course, have to grind its way through the gears of government approval. But while this proposal is a giant deal for two giant companies, the name that’s likely to come up more than any other in all the comments back-and-forth is neither Time Warner nor AT&T, but rather a competitor: Comcast. [More]

AT&T Confirms $85 Billion Acquisition Of Time Warner Inc.
After two days of “people close to situation” leaking information about a possible merger between AT&T and Time Warner Inc., the two companies have confirmed the deal which is valued at around $85 billion. [More]

Reports: Possible AT&T/Time Warner Merger Valued At $85 Billion
This morning, the world woke to find out that AT&T and Time Warner were getting cozy and maybe thinking about moving in together. Now comes news that talks have heated up and that a nearly $90 billion deal could be in the offing. [More]

Report: AT&T May Be Trying To Buy Time Warner
With the acquisition of DirecTV complete and in the rear-view mirror behind it, AT&T is reportedly setting its eye on a new target to go out and buy: venerable media brand Time Warner. [More]

Time Warner Refuses To Believe I Still Have Internet Access
Time Warner closed Boris’s account, and charged him a fee for not returning his modem. Which is weird, because he never canceled his account. That’s why he didn’t turn his modem. Time Warner sent him to collections over the modem, but there’s still Internet access coming into his house. So he paid the modem fee, and gave up trying to convince the company that they’re making him steal Internet access. [More]

Netflix Bolsters Its Streaming Content In Time Warner Deal, Adds Cartoon Network & More
Netflix has managed to snap up quite a nice catch in a new deal with Time Warner — which in the past had been squirrelly about selling its content for streaming subscription services — wherein it will stream shows from Turner Broadcasting and Warner Bros. That means a lot of Cartoon Network, everybody. Start the applause. [More]
Time Warner CEO Helps Customer on Street Scare Time Warner Employee
From the NY Post (purportedly; We couldn’t find a link, but we’re dumb.)
January 4, 2006 — TIME Warner CEO Dick Parsons stuck up for one of his customers during a stroll down Seventh Avenue on Monday morning. Hedge fund manager Jeff Green was on his cellphone arguing with a Time Warner Cable customer service rep when he recognized Parsons on the street and walked over to him. Parsons patiently listened as Green recounted how he’d gotten up early to pick up a new cable box in person – thus bypassing a $30 installation fee – only to find out the office was closed when he’d been told it would be open. The service rep, who wasn’t being especially cooperative, suddenly changed his tune and agreed to waive the installation fee when Green informed him Parsons was standing next to him and was sympathetic to his plight.
Clearly the answer to our customer service problem is to create more CEOs. As many as one per customer. (Thanks, David!)