AirTran’s got a 48-hour sale going on right now with tickets as low as $19 one way.
Live Nation Continues To Rock!
Every time Carrie writes us, I talk about what a sexy little minx she is. To be frank, I don’t know her. She could be fat as the queen of all sea cows for all I know; a decade of heavy cocaine use might have turned her nose into a flabby, cartilageless sack. But she’s got spunk! She’s got moxy! And she is unwaveringly optimistic! And hey, that’s sex appeal.
The Amazing Ryanair Raffle Ticket
We rarely do anecdotal stuff here, but I thought this was interesting enough to comment on.

Farecast Adds 50 Cities!
Bowing to the pressure of there being more to life than Frasier and Cheers, Our favorite predictive airfare search engine has expanded past only servicing Seattle and Boston. As of this morning, Farecast supports over 50 cities, including New York City, LA, Washington, Chicago and many more.
Alamo Passes On Charges for Imaginary Parking Tickets
When a $60 buck fine was billed to his credit card for a recent Alamo rental, Matt. A was confused: “I thought those suckers told me I didn’t owe them any money when I returned it?”

The Best Time To Buy Tickets, Explained By Smarty Man
Yesterday, our pallid flesh dripping off our bones, melted from the burn we had received at the hands of Upgrade Travel when they expertly flamed our Buy Flight Tickets at Midnight post, we petulantly retorted: “Okay, smart guy, when is the best time to buy a ticket?”

UPDATE: Actually, Don’t Buy Tickets At The Midnight Hour
Yesterday, we claimed that sitting around bleary-eyed until midnight would net you the best airline ticket prices. Upgrade Travel read it; they snickered contemptuously, sending guffaws of elite contempt in our direction. Then, Mortal Kombat style, they ripped the dripping spine out of our hopes and dreams of cheap nocturnal airfares:

Southwest Airlines Assigned Seating Leads to Pandemonium
Southwest Airlines has been thinking about changing its open seating policy for assigned seating. This isn’t about convenience or altruism: rather, it’s about trying to cram as many people into a plane as quickly as possible, reducing the turn-around time between when a flight lands to when it takes off again.

How Many Clicks Does It Take to Get To The Center of an Airplane?
Or, which airline has the least suckiest website? Jaunted, “The Pop Culture Travel Guide,” did a site scramble to find out.

The Terrorists May Have Already Won, In Bed
According to this article, your identity can be stolen simply from your airplane ticket stub. The story also has some interesting information about how American travelers are classified to government security experts, based on sophisticated data mining techniques drawing from every piece of information available about you. The system is purported to rank travelers as risks using an increasing danger code of green, amber and red.

Swiss Air Price Efficiency Like Broken Cuckoo Clock
Has Swiss International Airline been snorting fermented milk-maiden lactate?

American Airlines Blames the Victim
Brad tried to board his American Airline flight only to be told he was already in the air and would have to purchase another ticket. When he refused, the boarding agent accused him of stealing.