When you buy a used car — especially one that used to be a rental vehicle — you shouldn’t be shocked to find that the previous owner may have done a bit of work that wasn’t fully disclosed. But there’s a difference between a bit of Bondo and a half million dollars of cocaine stashed in the door panels. [More]

Turn A Milk Jug Into A Sandwich Box
With a few deft maneuvers of the scissor, you can transform an empty milk carton into a reusable sandwich or snack box. [More]

Make Your Own Sweet CoCo Pomade At Home
Here’s a quick and cheap recipe for making your own pomade, a waxy material you can use to style your hair, at home. (Remember pomade? It’s that stuff George Clooney is obsessed with for greasing up his locks in Oh Brother, Where Art Thou.) [More]

Not Filling The Tank On Your Rental Car Could Cost You $9 A Gallon
Next time you’re running close to the deadline for returning a rental car and have to choose between a late fee or being penalized for not having a full gas tank, be sure that you’re using the right per-gallon dollar amount when figuring out which will cost less. According to a new USA Today survey, the penalty for having to fill up a rental car’s tank can now set you back over $9 per gallon. [More]

10 Meals You Can Make In A Coffeemaker
As this winter has taught us, the snowpocalypse can hit at any moment, potentially leaving you snowed in at the office, stranded in a coffee break room without access to vital food heating appliances. But armed with a coffee maker, you can make several different delicious dishes to keep you going until help arrives, or at least make being attacked by the snow zombies less painful. Because nothing sucks more than getting mauled by a snow zombie on an empty stomach. Of course, ramen is a no-brainer and so are rice and soft-boiled eggs, but how about lemon pepper chicken? [More]

Thrifty Charges You For Gas Even Though You Returned It Full
Manny returned a rental car full of gas to Thrifty, yet they still ended up charging him $12.67 to top it off. Even after several days of escalating, they have yet to refund him his cash. [More]

Airlines Have Bumped 343,000 Passengers This Year
Over a quarter-million passengers were bumped from flights in the past eight months, a number that is set to grow as airlines try to boost anemic profits by slashing fleets. The Department of Transportation requires airlines to compensate bumped passengers with cash or vouchers, but savvy passengers can leverage their situation to negotiate heftier payments…

13 Ways To Make Your Own Swiffer Pads
Swiffers are awesome but it sucks to keep buying those pads for $1 a piece. Here are 13 ways to make your own Swiffer pads. Save money or save the planet. Your choice.

Dollar/Thrifty's Unwritten Rule For Mechanics To "Find" Problems Covered By Warranty And Bill The Manufacturer
An unverified reader report has an interesting claim that should grab the attention of every auto-maker. Dudes, Dollar/Thrifty Group car rental is totally ripping you off.
Man Who Abandonded Thrifty Rental Car Still Reponsible For Elk Attacks
A man who Thrifty charged $30 a day after he was forced to abandon his rental car in the forest following a washout has gotten a reprieve.
Thrifty Charges Man $30/Day For Stranded Car
When Claude Hite was evacuated from the Olympic National Park during a dangerous storm, he left his Thrifty rental car behind him.