
Shoplifter Blames Devil

Shoplifter Blames Devil

A woman caught shoplifting from a Walmart in Cinnaminson, NJ, assaulted the store’s loss-prevention officer and drove off, but accidentally left her pocketbook–which contained her driver’s license–in the parking lot. She called back later to ask whether they’d found it, and when the police got on the phone she admitted to the shoplifting and assault, but blamed it on the devil. [More]

How Often Is Your Car Model Stolen?

How Often Is Your Car Model Stolen?

The Highway Loss Data Institute keeps track of insurance claims for stolen cars, and it’s just released a list of the highest and lowest insurance claims for auto theft for 2007-09 models. The winner is the Cadillac Escalade luxury SUV, followed by the Ford F-250 pickup–both of these vehicles have a relatively high claim frequency and high average loss payment per claim of $9,600-$11,000. On the other end, the Mini Cooper and Toyota Sienna 4WD are infrequently stolen and have average loss payments of around $2,000. [More]

Bill Pay Drop Box Stolen, Comcast Doesn't Tell Customers

Bill Pay Drop Box Stolen, Comcast Doesn't Tell Customers

If you live in Staunton, VA and you have Comcast, you might want to make sure they got your bill. Apparently a bill pay drop box was stolen and the cable company didn’t inform customers that their bill may have been stolen. [More]

An iTunes Thief Ran Up $200 On My Card, Customer Service Won't Help

An iTunes Thief Ran Up $200 On My Card, Customer Service Won't Help

Don was robbed by a thief who went on a $200 iTunes spree. Determined not to let something like this happen again, he called Apple’s customer service, which took days to respond before giving him no useful help. [More]

Bank Of America Says I Stole $11,000 From Myself, Gambled It Away

Bank Of America Says I Stole $11,000 From Myself, Gambled It Away

Reader M. has a sad and frightening cautionary tale for us all. He’s unemployed, and his debit card was stolen. Now he’s been accused of stealing more than $11,000 from himself and gambling it away at casinos. Bank of America has finished its investigation, and concluded that M. is responsible for the withdrawals, and now must pay back the $11,000 he didn’t spend. At the 20% APR charged for cash advances, naturally. [More]

Dunkin' Donuts Robber Says He Was Just Asking For A Honey Bun

Dunkin' Donuts Robber Says He Was Just Asking For A Honey Bun

Be sure to always enunciate clearly when you’re placing an order, so that you don’t accidentally rob the cashier. That piece of advice comes from a man in Massachusetts who was charged for attempted armed robbery of a Dunkin’ Donuts back in April. He now claims that the cashier misunderstood him. What he really said was that he wanted a honey bun, not “Give me the money, I have a gun.” [More]

Hurt Locker Producer Sues "Moron" Downloaders

Hurt Locker Producer Sues "Moron" Downloaders

Nicolas Chartier, the movie producer who was banned from the Oscars for sending nastygrams about Avatar, and more recently, told a critic, “you’re a moron who believes stealing is right. I hope your family and your kids end up in jail,” is nothing if not consistent. Chartier has made good on his earlier threat to sue people who downloaded copies of The Hurt Locker, by filing a suit against 5,000 anonymous downloaders in Washington, D.C. [More]

If You See People Swipe iPhones, Don't Try To Cap 'Em

If You See People Swipe iPhones, Don't Try To Cap 'Em

Police in Oregon say a trigger-happy man who witnessed an iPhone mugging shot at the thieves’ getaway car as the got away. Being that life is not Grand Theft Auto IV, the cops busted the guy. [More]

Okay, Who's Been Using Tyler Perry's Credit Card?

Okay, Who's Been Using Tyler Perry's Credit Card?

Writer/director/actor Tyler Perry updated his website on Friday with a friendly letter to his fans. He talked about wrapping up his latest theatrical tour, and how beautiful his vacation spot was, and then ended on a strange note: “By the way, some idiot stole my credit card number. Can you believe that? Take a look at all the stuff they charged. If you know any of these people, call the police.” The charges, mostly airfares between L.A., Las Vegas, New York and Fort Lauderdale, came up to more than $28,000. [More]

Man Gives $150,000 To Psychic, Then Suspects Fraud

Man Gives $150,000 To Psychic, Then Suspects Fraud

A man in Portland, Oregon says he’s now bankrupt after giving cash, a Hummer, and lots of trust to a local psychic. In all, he says his payments totaled $150k and now he’s bankrupt, and that he wants to warn others not to fall for such things. So just to be clear: don’t give $150,000 in cash and autos to a psychic in exchange for removal-of-demon services. And if you want to buy a tabernacle from the Vatican, deal with the church yourself and don’t go through the local psychic. [More]

CVS Employee Strangles Shoplifter

CVS Employee Strangles Shoplifter

A CVS employee in Chicago chased a 35-year-old shoplifter out of his store and held him in a chokehold for “several minutes” on Saturday morning until police came. The thief–who had stolen tubes of toothpaste–was taken to a hospital and initially described as in “fair-to-serious” condition, but then declared dead about 45 minutes later, reports the Chicago Sun-Times. The death is being ruled an accidental homicide, and the police aren’t going to press charges against the employee. [More]

Sprint Employees Fired For Capturing Apple Store Shoplifter

Sprint Employees Fired For Capturing Apple Store Shoplifter

Two employees at the Sprint outlet at Cherry Creek Shopping Center, where that iPad customer had his pinkie ripped off by a criminal earlier this month, were fired for chasing down and holding a different shoplifter one day later. [More]

Bank Of America Technician Turned ATM Into Free Money Machine, Stole Over $200,000

Bank Of America Technician Turned ATM Into Free Money Machine, Stole Over $200,000

A former BoA IT worker has agreed to plead guilty to installing malware on the bank’s ATM machines in order to withdraw money whenever he felt like it, reports Wired. According to the plea agreement, his total take from the crime was between $200-400k. The bank won’t disclose how he did it or what the malware was like, but earlier this month Visa announced that new malware has hit the U.S. that could not only capture customers’ PINs and card data, but also give the criminal the ability to empty the machine of any cash that was in it. [More]

Judge Fired In The Case Of The Overdue DVD

Judge Fired In The Case Of The Overdue DVD

Remember a few weeks back when we wrote of the Colorado teen who was arrested for an overdue DVD from his local library? There’s an update — the judge who issued the arrest warrant in the case has been fired. [More]

Erotic Japanese Game "Cross Days" Tricks Pirates Into Posting Personal Info Online

Erotic Japanese Game "Cross Days" Tricks Pirates Into Posting Personal Info Online

If you’re trying to pirate the Japanese erotic manga game Cross Days–and I don’t care what people say, I love that I live in a world where I can type that phrase–you should know that the game’s developers are wise to you, and they’re going to do their best to shame and embarrass you. [More]

Watch Out, The J.C. Penney Security Guard Has A Gun!

Watch Out, The J.C. Penney Security Guard Has A Gun!

If security guards start carrying guns at department stores, I’m going to stop referring to them as rent-a-cops. Not because they’ve suddenly jumped up on my respect-o-meter, but because they might open fire. At a mall in Virginia last Sunday, a J.C. Penney security guard pursued a shoplifter into the mall parking lot and fired a gun into the air. The shoplifter was arrested, and the police confiscated the guard’s gun. The store won’t say whether it was owned by the guard or issued by management. [More]

Chase Returns Retired Teacher's Stolen $6,200

Chase Returns Retired Teacher's Stolen $6,200

For some reason, Chase bank decided to take a second look at the $6,200 an unidentified person removed from Bronx retiree Ernest Nitzberg’s checking account. It just might have been the outcry after he shared his story with a global audience on the Huffington Post. [More]

Colorado Teen Arrested For Overdue DVD

Colorado Teen Arrested For Overdue DVD

A 19-year-old was pulled over at a traffic stop in Colorado a few weeks ago and quickly found himself arrested on an outstanding warrant. The charge? Not drugs or murder or even tax fraud. No, the perp was picked up because of an overdue DVD from his local library. [More]