
Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 5

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 5

Only two more days to go in this week’s look at how long it takes a human at various mobile phone companies to pick up.

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 4

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 4

Today’s results in our week long trial to see how long it takes mobile phone carrier’s humans to pick up on the customer service line.

Waiting for Comcast Install Screed

Waiting for Comcast Install Screed

You call up the cable company, schedule an appointment, take off time from work and they don’t show up. You’ve heard, or told, the story many a time. In fact, we receive this same complaint several times a month.

Time to Human, Cell Phone Companies Day 3

Time to Human, Cell Phone Companies Day 3

All the mobile phone carriers performed very well today.

Orwellian in Implication Call-Center Recording System Pitch Letter Intercepted

Orwellian in Implication Call-Center Recording System Pitch Letter Intercepted

This email is so money. It’s a pitch letter from NICE, the call recording system used by 67% of the Fortune 100. As we suspected, your call gets digitized and can later be accessed by a manager searching for a key word. The email says, “For financial services firms, NICE can help cut legal risk and meet compliance rules. Did that customer say “sell” rather than “buy” as his lawyer now claims? The call is readily accessed for proof.”

America Online Gets A Sex Change, Still Looks Like a Man

America Online Gets A Sex Change, Still Looks Like a Man

America Online Inc has officially renamed itself AOL, following TimeWarner Inc’s renaming of its internet component to Time Warner Cable.

Verizon D.S.L. = “Does Suck Loads”

Verizon D.S.L. = “Does Suck Loads”

Eric hates Verizon DSL. All he wanted to do is switch around his contract to save $8.00 a month.

How Long to Get a Human?

How Long to Get a Human?

Here’s how long it’s taking to reach a human at various mobile phone carrier customer service lines today.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Human?

How Long Does it Take to Get a Human?

In the wake of purple ribbons, zombies and looking up words in the dictionary, we thought we might want to try something resembling journalism. To that end, we’ve started the Time to Human project.

AT&T Billing Can’t Find Man’s $475

AT&T Billing Can’t Find Man’s $475

    “Today, I got a call from AT&T’s billing department. The lady wanted to know when I was going to pay the past due amount of $477.82. I paid this, I responded. She begged to differ.

DSL: For a Few Dollars More

DSL: For a Few Dollars More

In some of the more epic consumer complaints we receive, its evident that the customer service gotterdammerung became about more than just the money. The flaw is not with the Indian service rep’s but rather, there is perhaps a greater flaw in the universe, somehow the world is fundamentally askew for these disgruntled people. In setting right these corporate wrongs, we wonder if some consumers are fulfilling a greater quest for justice.

CJAM 1000 Cellular Jammer

CJAM 1000 Cellular Jammer

This sounds awesome for the next time someone is yakking on the cellphone in the movie theater. Simply deploy your CJAM 1000 Cellular Jammer and silence all cellphones, pagers, and Wi-Fi with a quarter mile radius.

Sprint’s Race to Be Last in Customer Service

Sprint’s Race to Be Last in Customer Service

The utter pathetic ineptitude of Sprint’s customer service is legion. But Steve’s letter really butters the biscuit for its pristine irony and Mobius strip double-non-think.

Man vs. Cell Phone Company: The Epic

Man vs. Cell Phone Company: The Epic

…a David [and] Goliath story…

PayPal Via Cellphone

PayPal Via Cellphone

Paypal has transformed your mobile phone into a magic money wand.

HOWTO: Buy a New Cellphone

HOWTO: Buy a New Cellphone

Here’s our tricked-out version of a Dealhack guide to buying a new cell phone.

Consumers Protest Exorbitant Text Message Prices

Consumers Protest Exorbitant Text Message Prices

Here in America, we’re in the digital stone age, at least as far as how widespread the adoption of some cool new technologies are. There’s not universal broadband (which the US Government paid the telcos to implement; instead they built up more DSL because there’s more money to be made on it), wi-fi coverage is intermittent and text message use is a lot less pervasive than in most European countries. In Italy they have tons of teenagers showing up in hospitals with repetive stress injuries directly resulting from punching out reams of text messages.

AT&T and Cingular Down?

AT&T and Cingular Down?

Fewer bars in fewer places. According to unconfirmed reports out of New York City, AT&T/Cingular wireless service has been down for 2-3 hours, as of 12:50 PM EST.