
Get A New Sprint Line, Get Free Companion Airfare Ticket

Get A New Sprint Line, Get Free Companion Airfare Ticket

Just found an extra deal for today from Sprint: Get a new Sprint phone line and get a free airline companion ticket, up to a $500 value. Get two tickets, up to a $1,000 value, with activation of a BlackBerry on a BlackBerry Plan or a Simply Everything Plan.

I Told Off The Debt Collector

I Told Off The Debt Collector

Some punkass debt collector called trying to get a hold of some lady he thinks my girlfriend knows. Here’s roughly how the conversation went. Keep in mind I had just put a bunch of peanuts in my mouth…

Ringtone Scam Class Action Settlement Announced

Ringtone Scam Class Action Settlement Announced

We’ve known how “free” ringtones and other “free” cellphone content comeons are often lures to get you signed up on a hidden monthly subscription, and now there’s a class action lawsuit settlement to punish MobileMessenger, one of their purveyors. The settlement covers customers from every cellphone provider who bought content from January 1, 2005 to August 13, 2008. If you paid for your kids cellphone plan during that time, chances are they ordered some. You can check your bills for any the “short codes” (listed inside) or call 1-800-416-6129. The deadline for filing a claim is January 30, 2009. More information about Gray v. Mobile Messenger at

Beware The Grannie Scammers

Beware The Grannie Scammers

Watch out, grannie, there’s a new scam out there and they’ve got your number. Like we told you last week, conmen are calling up elderly folk and using social engineering to pose as their grandchildren, and they need money money fast. Usually they say they were traveling in Canada and just got in a car accident and need thousands of dollars for repairs or bail. How do the scammers fool the grandparents?

Join The Verizon ETF Class Action

Join The Verizon ETF Class Action

Wanna get in on the Verizon Early Termination Fee class action settlement? I did and went to just like the postcard told me. Basically, if you were a Verizon Wireless customer from July 23, 1999 to August 10, 2008, and you were either charged an ETF, whether you paid it or not, you could be eligible for a piece of a $21 million pie (after the attorneys get their fees first), just file a claim form by October 14. In typical fashion, I tried filing a claim but the site keeps timing out. Something to bookmark and check in on later and hope they fixed it. Even when you think you’re giving Verizon its comeuppance, somehow you get screwed over. UPDATE: The website seems to be fixed now. By the way, at the end you will have to print out and mail in forms. They want you to attach documentation of your ETF. If you don’t have documentation, you can still make a claim but you will get a lesser amount.

Quicken Beam Checks Your Balances On Your Cellphone

Quicken Beam Checks Your Balances On Your Cellphone

Sick of overdrafts? Don’t feel like juggling your bank balance in your head? Quickenbeam from Intuit is a new free service, in beta, that lets you check your account balances, no matter what bank you have, from your cellphone.

Verizon Junk Mail Advertises Phone Sex Hotline

Verizon Junk Mail Advertises Phone Sex Hotline

The phone number in this Verizon mailer connects to “an exciting new way to go live with hot horny girls.” Can you hear me now, big boy?

The $19,370 ATT Phone Bill

The $19,370 ATT Phone Bill

You really got to be careful when using cellphones or wireless data plans internationally, otherwise you’ll end up racking up $19,370 on your AT&T AirCard like this American kid did in Canada. It would be nice if they made some kind of warning system that said hey, you’re spending several hundred times what you normally do, are you sure you want to continue, but then again, it would also be nice if a cupcake appeared on my desk right now.

ATT Data Network Down, Complain For Credits

ATT Data Network Down, Complain For Credits

AT&T wireless is experiencing some kind of data outage in the Northeast, and if you call up and complain, you can get a $10-$20 credit (YMMV), Gizmodo reports. Let us know in the comments if you’re an AT&T user experiencing data outages, where you’re located, and if you have any luck snagging credits. If calling 611 from your phone doesn’t work for ya, here is a variety of contact information to try.

Teddy Bear Cellphone

Teddy Bear Cellphone

I am secretly coveting this stuffed teddy bear that is also a cellphone. It’s called Kuma Phone. Price: $500. Conspicuous consumption has never been cuter. [Cscout Japan]

Washington Upholds ATT Customer's Right To Class Action

Washington Upholds ATT Customer's Right To Class Action

In another step towards the impending demise of mandatory binding arbitration, a customer’s right to file a class-action lawsuit against AT&T Wireless was upheld by Washington Supreme Court yesterday.

How To Get ATT Naked DSL (Redux)

How To Get ATT Naked DSL (Redux)

When reader Nick tried to sign up for ATT “naked DSL” or “dry loop” service (getting DSL without having paying for a landline), a curious thing happened.

FTC Listens To Your Complaints, (Mostly) Bans Telemarketer Robocalls

FTC Listens To Your Complaints, (Mostly) Bans Telemarketer Robocalls

After reviewing the more than 14,000 comments left by living human beings, the FTC yesterday amended its Telemarketing Sales Rule to ban most types of robotic telemarketing calls. By this December, any recorded calls will have to lead off with an automated opt-out option; by September 2009, telemarketers will need prior written permission to contact someone—simply being a recent customer won’t cut it.

It Takes 40 Verizon Reps To Fix Your Address

It Takes 40 Verizon Reps To Fix Your Address

You know those Verizon ads where someone is trying to make a call and like 100 Verizon people show up to help them do it? Arelene’s story is sort of like that. Except they all showed up to help her change her address. And they were one at a time. And it was over the phone. And it took several days. Here’s her tale, and how she eventually won…

Updated: Reach Verizon Landline Executive Customer Service

Updated: Reach Verizon Landline Executive Customer Service

Call 1-800-483-7988 and press 3 to reach the Verizon Customer Advocates for landlines and DSL. Other valid executive customer service contact information:

Video Tutorial For Escaping Cellphone Without ETF

Video Tutorial For Escaping Cellphone Without ETF

Who needs a bunch of words to tell you how to get out of your cellphone contract without early termination fee when a nice boy will tell you how do to it? You just sit back, grab some popcorn, and watch Ely Rosentock’s video tutorial. 9 minutes later, you’ll know how to break your cellphone contract without ETF, or moving to California. Video inside… [More]

Tmobile Introduces Month To Month Contracts

Tmobile Introduces Month To Month Contracts

Hate long-term cellphone contracts? Starting August 6th, Tmobile will be the first national carrier to offer month-to-month plans, straight up.

Poor Reception? "Go To The Hilltop" Sprint Tells Customer

Poor Reception? "Go To The Hilltop" Sprint Tells Customer

“Go outside, or to hilltop to make calls from your cell phone. Sprint does not guarantee call quality in buildings or homes,” a Sprint customer service rep told reader Nathan shortly before he canceled service. Sprint had told a long series of lies with various reasons and solutions that never materialized for why Nathan and his family couldn’t get any reception in their home. After wrangling for many months, Nathan told them to stuff it.