
18 Confessions Of 2 Former T-Mobile Reps

18 Confessions Of 2 Former T-Mobile Reps

Eighteen insider consumer tips from ex-Tmobile customer service representatives Christof and Anon. Oh no, we’re not done with that series. Not by a long shot.

11 Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep

11 Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep

T-Mobile doesn’t want to be left out of the fun! One of their sales reps has generously and selflessly written down his innermost thoughts and sent them to the Consumerist for your personal edification. Bask in the glory of Confessions of a T-Mobile Sales Rep…

Tough Love From A Current T-Mobile Retention Rep

Tough Love From A Current T-Mobile Retention Rep

Taking a break from our whirl of ex-cellphone reps revenging themselves on their former employers, here’s a current T-mobile retention rep telling you how to handle the cancellation call, as well as a perspective on their thought processes.

Giant List Of Cellphone Company Departments' Direct Numbers

Giant List Of Cellphone Company Departments' Direct Numbers

Having trouble finding the special number for a specific department at your cellphone provider? Just feel like bypassing the intermediary customer service reps who might end up disconnecting the call or transferring you to the janitor’s closet?

Executive Contact Info For Cingular, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon

Executive Contact Info For Cingular, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon

Contact information for the CEOs of major cellphone companies. You’ll never get to talk to them, but at least your issue will get under the noses of their near and dear underlings.

Kitten-Filled YouTube Mocks T-Mobile’s $629 Foot-Dragging

So obviously Graham’s next logical step was to make a nearly incomprehensible youtube cartoon with kittens, a hiphop sock puppet, and a sad and misunderstood megacorp glob.

T-Mobile’s Hotspot Refund System Encourages Breakage?

T-Mobile’s Hotspot Refund System Encourages Breakage?

A crinkle appeared in our once happy story of how easy it was for us to get a refund from T-mobile hotspot.

T-Mobile Is A Bitch?

Reader Miss_smartypants bought a new PEBL cellphone from T-mobile, free after $50 rebate. After she sent in the rebate forms, she saw a notice on T-mobile’s site for the phone free, straight up, with no rebate business. She called to request a pricematch so she wouldn’t have to wait for the rebate.

Demand A T-Mobile Hotspot Refund And Get It

Demand A T-Mobile Hotspot Refund And Get It

T-mobile’s hotspot this morning in the Charlotte airport didn’t let us on the internet, but were still charged $9.99. Visions of David Berlind’s similar battle dancing in our eyes, we called up T-Mobile, demanded a refund, and got it. Word.

Unlock Your Cellphone Now

Unlock Your Cellphone Now

The US Copyright office killed cellphone crippleware companies locking your phone to their sepecific service last week. We heard about this but didn’t post anything, as we didn’t see anything actually compelling cellphone companies to let you enjoy the full use of your phone. full phone portability.

T-Mobile Sued Over Early Termination Fees

Someone give this guy a medal, not just of the chocolate kind. — BEN POPKEN

Contact CEOs Of Major Cellphone Companies

Contact CEOs Of Major Cellphone Companies

Inside, the phone number and mailing address for the CEOs of every major US cellphone carrier.

Consumerist Ask Metafilter Round-Up

• How does copyright work when the material is in a library? [Link]

Old Mother Brownlee Likes T-Mobile

Old Mother Brownlee Likes T-Mobile

Sometimes Ben uses the royal ‘we’ in confusing ways, like when he talks about ‘our’ appearance on 20/20 (his!), ‘our’ meeting with Edelmann (his!) and ‘our’ girlfriend (which, god willing, Ben doesn’t know about).

T-Mobile Happy Endings!

T-Mobile Happy Endings!

Last week, David complained about T-Mobile charging him double what he expected. When he phoned the cellphone company, they disputed the basis of his complaint, calling him a liar. We posted the story.

Verizon Says: Go Back to T-Mobile

Verizon Says: Go Back to T-Mobile

Today it’s Verizon, not T-mobile, that draws the ire of the Consumerist readers. Doesn’t anyone have some shit to talk about U.S. Cellular? We seems to be missing them this week. Anyway, John lives in different time zone than his girlfriend. He uses T-mobile. She uses Verizon. They wanted to use in-network calling, so John, being the chivalrous guy that he is, trucked on over to a Verizon store, ported his number, bought a phone, and thought that was that.

How-To Get Out Of A T-Mobile Restocking Fee: Get Mugged

How-To Get Out Of A T-Mobile Restocking Fee: Get Mugged

By T-Mobile’s logic, a broken phone that they sold you is your burden to bear. Is the battery faulty? You pay the shipping. $20.

T-Mobile: U R a L1AR! LOL!

T-Mobile: U R a L1AR! LOL!

David is very unhappy with T-Mobile. Last month he upgraded to a PDA phone in order to receive his emails on-the-go, as so many of us do. Anyway, after some confusion about what features are necessary to accomplish this, David added text messaging to his account via T-Mobile’s website and the emails started flowing on in.