While the trailer for next year’s superhero showdown Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is supposed to be kept under wraps in the U.S. until after its IMAX premiere on Monday, a handheld video of the trailer has already made its way online. [More]

Celebrate Public Domain Day… By Realizing That Not A Single Published Work Will Become Public Domain Until 2019
As happens every January, various pieces of literature, scholarship, film, music, plays, and other copyrighted works of art enter into the public domain, meaning the public has the right to publish, perform, use, and display these works without seeking permission. That is, except in the U.S., where not a single published work will be joining the public domain until 2019. [More]

Update: Comic Book Found In Wall Sells For $175,000 At Auction
Remember last month when we told you about the Minnesota home-rebuilder who bought a fixer-upper for $10,000 and then found a copy of Action Comics #1 from 1938 hidden in the wall? It was expected that the rare book would go for at least six figures, and when the auction closed last night, the final bid was for $175,000. [More]

Man Pays $10K For House, Finds $107,000 Comic Book Hidden In Wall
When a Minnesota home remodeler decided to plunk down $10,100 for a fixer-upper to rehab, he just assumed it was a no-lose investment. Little did he know about the rare comic book he’d find stashed in the wall of the house. [More]

Rare Superman Comic Saves Home From Foreclosure
See through walls, bounce bullets off his chest, save homes from foreclosure, is there anything the man of steel can’t do? [More]
Superman Hates, Kills Smokers
For your Monday Morning Bemusement, Superman takes on Nick O’Teen, insidious Irish personification of underage smoking.