When we began to see this story from China propagating around the newsphere, we hoped that it was something from the strange imagination of the Daily Mail. It couldn’t be true: a man in his thirties argued with his girlfriend while shopping, and then jumped seven stories to his death. [More]

Report: Hundreds Of Xbox Makers At Foxconn Plant Threatened Suicide
Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Foxconn has factories just about everywhere in the world, and they make stuff for just about every gadget company that you can think of. This makes any news coming out of the company, from 2010’s suicide cluster to last year’s explosion, fascinating to us. But it’s hard to look at your Xbox quite the same way after learning that hundreds of Foxconn workers reportedly took to the roof and threatened suicide over severance payments. [More]

Study: Suicide Rates Climb In Tough Economic Times
According to researchers, suicide rates rise when investments tank and the job market becomes less forgiving, especially among those in the post-college, pre-retirement age range. [More]

Man Sets House On Fire, Dies In It, After Losing Home To Homeowners' Association
Feuds between homeowners and homeowners’ associations can get pretty intense, as BoingBoing pointed out twice last week. One feud in Ogden, NC, was so bad that the man’s house was sold by the court to pay for dues and fines levied by the association. The house was sold earlier this summer, reports the Star-News, and last month the man doused everything in gas and set the place on fire. [More]

Suicides At Foxconn Prompt Cartoons, Raises, No-Suicide Pledge
Is Foxconn, the huge electronics company that manufactures for global brands such as HP, Dell, and Apple (yes, they make the iPad and iPhone) a towering fortress of secrecy where employees cower in fear, ten people to a dorm room, or a normal manufacturing outfit that has had a weird cluster of employee suicides recently? [More]

Well, This Ad Was In Poor Taste
It seems a jewelry store is experiencing some backlash on Facebook for a print ad that they say they did not approve. Here’s the ad and their statement. [More]

Nobody Told Me I Was Buying A Suicide House
Sue recently purchased a new home. She writes that she closed on the house…and then learned that the previous owner had committed suicide somewhere inside it. She wouldn’t have bought the house had she known. The real estate agents claim that they weren’t aware of the situation, but if they had, did they have any moral obligation to tell her? [More]
There’s been another suicide in connection with the Madoff fraud case. The investor was a former British soldier who invested his life savings in two hedge funds who in turn put the money in Madoff’s fund. [MSNBC]

FDA Investigating Possible Increased Risk Of Suicide From Popular Asthma Drug Singulair
Concerns over “behavioral issues” with Singulair developed over the past year. Merck periodically updated the drug’s labels to include warnings for tremors, depression and anxiety. FDA spokesperson Susan Cruzan said reports of suicides by “three or four” people who were taking Singulair prompted Merck to clarify suicide warnings on labels and patient information sheets in October 2007.

This Is Your Brain On Chantix?
NY Magazine has published a interesting personal account from a patient who was taking the smoking-cessation drug Chantix. The FDA has reported 37 suicides and more than 400 reports of suicidal behavior in connection with Chantix, a pleasure blocking drug that sits in the nicotine receptors and prevents the smoker from properly experiencing their nicotine high. The FDA recently issued a patient advisory about the drug, requesting that patients carefully monitor their moods. The possible side-effects of Chantix now include “anxiety, nervousness, tension, depressed mood, unusual behaviors and thinking about or attempting suicide.”

What If… Apple Care Manned A Suicide Hotline?
As a pimply pubescent, one of my favorite comics was Marvel’s What If… For those far less dorky than me, the concept was essentially to spin alternate universes where the epopees of Marvel Comics characters had spinned in entirely different directions. “What if Wolverine’s Claws Were John Holmes Phalluses?” one issue might cry, then set about to answer that very question.

Sony to Customers: Kill Yourselves
Sony might want to start rethinking their subversive ad strategy. First, they came under fire for paying street hooligans to spray paint their logos on private property. And now, in London, they are posting advertisements openly encouraging their customers to kill themselves.

Ripped-off Ford Customer Torches Dealership, Kills Self
t screw your customers over: they may blow you up.