We’re sure that Staples has a very, very good reason for packing a single box of white-out in a massive box full of air pillows. Perhaps that product was in a different warehouse than the rest of the order going to Ian’s company. Perhaps they were out of small boxes or padded envelopes, and speed in shipping is more important than sanity in packaging. Or perhaps Staples employees fear the stink of correction fluid, and wanted to make sure everyone stayed very safe from it. Whatever the real reason: it’s ridiculous. [More]
stupid shipping gang

Free Shipping And Free Delivery Are Different Things
Kenny took advantage of a free shipping promotion from Best Buy to shop for a ginormous television. He found one that he liked, but the order had a $70 shipping charge. Wait, what? Turns out that getting a ginormous item like a 51″ TV counts as “delivery,” like a home appliance, not “shipping,” like a smaller TV. That makes sense, but it’s a distinction that should be made clear to the casual customer surfing the site. [More]

Best Buy's System Insists I Don't Know My Own Address, Ships TV To Wrong House
As someone who has previously lived on a street with a name that looks like an error, I understand some of the pain felt by Consumerist reader Drew, who had to correct the address on his Best Buy delivery several times — and still ended up having his new TV shipped to the wrong address. [More]

Foam Minecraft Pickaxe Shipped Nestled In Foam Peanuts For, Um, Some Reason
Of all of the things likely to be damaged in transit, a foam pickax is pretty low on the list. Sure, it could be torn, folded, or otherwise mangled. But impact damage is pretty unlikely, which is why Hannah found the packaging in which her Minecraft merch shipped so stupid and wasteful that it hurt her brain a little. [More]

Amazon Makes Sure Sharpie Shipment Arrives Very, Very, Very Safely
UPS delivered a large, light, somewhat damaged box to Erick’s workplace. What was inside? Gosh, what if it was damaged when the box was dented? Better open it to make sure. [More]