streaming video

Netflix Now Lets You Use 50 Different Devices To Stream Video

Netflix Now Lets You Use 50 Different Devices To Stream Video

With all the options now available to stream Netflix videos, it was easy to surpass the service’s old cap of six devices. Addressing the concern, Netflix has now lifted the limit to 50. [More]

Tennessee Lawmakers Pass Bill Making It A Crime To Share Your Netflix Password

Tennessee Lawmakers Pass Bill Making It A Crime To Share Your Netflix Password

If you’ve ever let a friend or family member know your password for subscription services like Netflix or Rhapsody so they can watch a movie or listen to a song, we hope you don’t live in Tennessee, where state legislators have passed a bill making it a crime. [More]

Well, At Least Netflix Is Being Realistic

Well, At Least Netflix Is Being Realistic

Say what you will about this exit survey for unsubscribing Netflix customers, but at least it’s realistic about why people cancel Netflix. It’s especially thoughtful of Netflix to include the addresses of still-functioning torrent sites for those users who aren’t yet familiar with them. (Thanks, MedicallyNeedy!)

Fox Soccer Channel Delivers Lousy Streaming Video, Indifferent Customer Service

Fox Soccer Channel Delivers Lousy Streaming Video, Indifferent Customer Service

The great thing about the revolution in streaming video is that we can subscribe to niche services that supplement or replace cable TV. The problem with such services is that when they fail, you only have one option for that content. John, a fan of England’s Premier League, subscribes to a service through Fox that streams games not broadcast on the Fox Soccer Channel. The streaming service is on its second year, and the quality is noticeably worse than last year. He could cancel his subscription, but that would leave him with no soccer at all. [More]

Crackle Streams Free Movies To Sony Devices, Roku

Crackle Streams Free Movies To Sony Devices, Roku

If you own a PS3 or Roku and were itching to rent Ghostbusters or A Few Good Men, hold off on adding them to the Netflix queue. Crackle, Sony’s video streaming service, will pump the movies — which aren’t available on Netflix streaming — to your TV for free. [More]

Showtime Will Yank Shows From Netflix Streaming

Showtime Will Yank Shows From Netflix Streaming

If you’re catching up on Showtime shows via Netflix streaming, you’d better step up your pace, because Showtime doesn’t plan on renewing its pact with the streaming company when it expires this summer. [More]

Time Warner Cable iPad App Is Great For TV On The Go… But Only In Your House

Time Warner Cable iPad App Is Great For TV On The Go… But Only In Your House

TV lovers, rejoice! The future of legal, licensed television watching is here, and it’s….incredibly locked down! Time Warner has introduced a beautiful new iPad app that lets you log in with your Time Warner Cable username and password and watch TV anywhere on your iPad. Well…as long as “anywhere” is “in your house, or on the wireless network of another Time Warner Cable customer, as long as you yourself have a cable package from Time Warner at home.” So much for mobile. [More]

Netflix Pays $100M To Make A TV Show Of Its Own

Netflix Pays $100M To Make A TV Show Of Its Own

In a risky yet inevitable move into original programming, Netflix is shoving a massive stack of chips onto the table, betting it can hang with the likes of HBO and Showtime. The video streaming and DVD rental giant is committing an estimated $100 million to buy and develop two 13-episode seasons of House of Cards, a drama produced and directed by David Fincher, starring Kevin Spacey. [More]

Warner Bros. Starts Renting Movies Through Facebook

Warner Bros. Starts Renting Movies Through Facebook

It was bound to happen eventually. Earlier today, Warner Bros. launched a new program on Facebook that will let users rent streaming movies directly through the social networking site. [More]

Would You Pay $30 To Rent A Movie That's Still In Theaters?

Would You Pay $30 To Rent A Movie That's Still In Theaters?

For movie fans, there is that odd stretch of time between a film’s initial release and when it hits the DVD/On-Demand market. Maybe it’s playing in a second-run theater or maybe it’s just in limbo. Regardless, DirecTV is betting that customers would be willing to pay a premium to watch movies during that lame-duck time period. [More]

Netflix Will Subtitle 80 Percent Of Streaming Videos By End Of Year

Netflix Will Subtitle 80 Percent Of Streaming Videos By End Of Year

Netflix has been working on adding subtitles to streaming content for a while, and has made significant headway since last year. [More]

Amazon To Battle Netflix, Offer Unlimited Streaming To Prime Members

Amazon To Battle Netflix, Offer Unlimited Streaming To Prime Members

Nearly six months after the initial reports that it was working on a subscription video streaming service, Amazon announced today that it was joining the group of companies trying to unseat Netflix as the king of video streaming services by offering a “new benefit” to Amazon Prime members — unlimited video streaming from a library of 5,000 titles. [More]

Netflix Coming Soon To Your Remote Control

Netflix Coming Soon To Your Remote Control

Because accessing Netflix isn’t easy enough, the video company announced earlier today that it has partnered with the makers of several devices to integrate a Netflix-specific button on remote controls. [More]

Sears Launches Video Download Service

Sears Launches Video Download Service

As we reported back in June, Sears would be launching a video download service sometime around the holidays. Well, the holidays are here and so is the service. [More]

Report: Netflix Offering Big Cash For Access To In-Season TV Shows

Report: Netflix Offering Big Cash For Access To In-Season TV Shows

While Netflix has made a huge move in the last two years to expand its library of streaming movies and TV shows, the company has only been able to make a few deals that give users access to recently broadcast episodes. But a report in the New York Post claims Netflix is offering networks top-dollar for access to fresher content. [More]

Netflix Offers $7.99 Streaming-Only Plan, Raises Prices On Existing Plans

Netflix Offers $7.99 Streaming-Only Plan, Raises Prices On Existing Plans

Since Netflix began offering its streaming video library, many customers have been asking for an option to go disc-free. Today, they got what they wished for as the company announced a $7.99/month plan for streaming-only. On the down side, they are also raising rates on those with existing unlimited disc-and-streaming plans. [More]

PlayStation 3 Casts Vudu Spell

PlayStation 3 Casts Vudu Spell

Straining to counter Microsoft’s inclusion of ESPN 3 on the Xbox 360, Sony is piling on video streaming apps at a heavy clip, adding pay-as-you-go streaming service Vudu to its stable of Hulu Plus and NHL GameCenter Live. [More]

Netfix Has No Plans To Put Ads In Streaming Videos

Netfix Has No Plans To Put Ads In Streaming Videos

TV shows now represent half of what Netflix customers are streaming to their computers, gaming consoles and other devices. It has to be tempting for the company to look at those numbers and think about the cash it could make from slipping a few 15-second ads in during the already existing fade-outs. But, says a Netflix exec, that’s not what the company is all about. [More]