On the one hand, you’ve got a furry feline companion, soft and purring sometimes, playful and worthy of hours on end of cell phone footage in case Mr. Whiskerpants does something that could go viral. On the other, you’ve got individual stocks. Of course more American families own cats than stocks. Of course. [More]

We Are Completely Unsurprised That Cats Are More Popular With American Families Than Stocks

Just Say No… To Marijuana Stock Scams
Look, we know that all the cool kids in the neighborhood have tried it, and some swear that it’s just the bee’s knees, but before you get lured into a mistake that will leave you penniless and regretful, you should learn to just say no to investing in scammy marijuana stocks. [More]

Dow Cracks 15,000 Threshold For First Time In History
Earlier this year, it was big news when the Dow Jones Industrial Average cracked 14,000 for the first time since 2007. But earlier this morning, promising employment numbers sent the DJIA soaring, up more than 160 points until it surpassed the 15,000 mark, a new high. [More]

Households Lost $2.2 Trillion In Net Worth Last Quarter; It's Not Under Couch Cushions
American households were collectively $2.2 trillion poorer at the end of September than they were at the end of June, marking the steepest-single quarter drop since 2008. Falling stock wealth was mainly to blame for the 4.1 percent drop to $57.4 trillion. Stagnant home prices didn’t much help things either. [More]

Stocks Tumble On Renewed Fears Of Greek Default
US markets fell 200 points on news that Greece could be on the precipice of defaulting on its debt. Wait, haven’t they been talking about that all summer? Yes, but this comes after the Germans, key players in resolving the crisis, are now publicly saying that Greece may default in a messy way. [More]

Stocks Up After Days Of Bleeding
After swooning on Monday following S&P’s downgrade of US bonds, stocks posted gains on Tuesday as investors saw the over-reaction as a buying opportunity. Now investors look to see what the Federal Reserve policy board might say after their meeting later today. [More]

Stock Market Drops Most Since 2008
The stock market continued diving on Monday, with the Dow falling 5.6% and the S&P down 6.7%, the biggest sell-off since December 2008. [More]

Stocks Fall On Global Economy Fears
Global stocks fell broadly Thursday afternoon amid worsening concerns about a global economic cooling and a European debt crisis. Each of the three major US indexes were down, deleting all the gains they had made so far this year. [More]

Stocks Up After Fed Releases Minutes
The Federal Reserve Board, which sets US national monetary policy, released minutes from its latest meeting today, striking a tone of temperate growth. [More]

Markets Hit 2011 With A Jump
Markets held onto a rally Monday, spurred by news of continuing manufacturing sector growth. The Dow gained .98% in mid-morning trading, the S&P 1.24% and the Nasdaq 1.7%. But don’t start firing up your Scottrades and Etrades just yet unless you’ve got a fifth of Pepto in your desk drawer. 2011 is looking to be just as rocky as ever. [More]
Your Age -10 = % Of Your Portfolio That Should Be In Bonds
Just subtract 10 from your age and that’s how much percentage of your portfolio should be in bonds, commenter sevatt points out. [More]

Subtract Your Age From 110 To Figure Out How Much Of Your Portfolio Should Be In Stocks Vs Bonds
With the Feds buying up more Treasuries, bonds are looking attractive. But how much of my portfolio should I have invested in bonds? What’s the proper asset allocation between stocks and bonds? Well, an old-school rule of thumb is that you subtract your age from 110. [More]

Robot Traders Leaving Behind Bizarre "Crop Circles" In Market Data
Following the May 6 “flash crash” in which the market plunged 1,000 points in just a few minutes, a data firm started looking at the trades being made by the high-frequency computerized trading bots that have come to loom over over the stock market. By zooming into the trades being placed by the millisecond the firm spotted several strange algorithmic patterns. Plotted on a chart, they look like the freakin’ the stock market equivalent of crop circles. [More]

Embezzling Broker Sentenced To 6 Months Of Poker
A broker who embezzled from his clients to fund his gambling addiction will be allowed to avoid the pokie and play poker instead. [More]

Fed Votes To Buy Up Treasuries, Keep Mortgage Rates Low
The Fed voted Tuesday to reinvest expiring mortgage-backed securities by putting the money into longer-term Treasuries. That, and the decision to keep rates at 0 to 1/4 percent, should keep mortgage rates low. Here’s the full statement following their coffee klatsch: [More]

Stocks Rise, Betting Feds Will Vote To Buy More Mortgages And Treasuries
Markets edged upwards Monday, betting that the Federal Reserve will vote tomorrow to inject more money into the system by buying up more mortgage-backed securities and Treasuries. [More]