I’ve never found the Snuggie all that appealing. “Call me when they make an electric, heated version,” I’ve always said. Yesterday, our man on the ground at the Consumer Electronics Show called. The Coz-E, an electric blanket with sleeves, debuted this past fall, and somehow nobody gave me one for Christmas. Or even told me. [More]

Which Infomercial Items Would You Like To See Us Investigate?
We all know that it’s best to take the claims of any infomercial — or really, any commercial at all — with a grain of salt so large it would turn Lake Michigan brackish. And yet, there appears to be no end to the stream of products being hawked late at night by loud (and often Australian) pitchmen. [More]

Fear The "Snazzy Napper"
Move over Snuggie, and meet the Snazzy Napper, a pocketed bib that attaches to an eye-mask. Or, get the extra large version and you have a blanket too. Snazzy Napper’s patented technology prevents you from seeing the other people around you staring at you in disbelief. [More]

Introducing The Snuggie D-Lux
The Snuggie D-Lux solve a big problem for male Snuggie fans: if the fleece robe has completely covered your front, what happens when you need to access your man parts? Removing the robe could leave you feeling cold, isolated, and remind you that we’re in a recession. But now there’s the Snuggie D-Lux, the robe with three sleeves! NSFW, the D in D-Lux stands for something naughty. [More]

Sorry We Missed The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Snuggie
We work hard to bring our readers all Snuggie-related news, and were remiss in not reporting on an exciting product from Hot Topic before it finally disappeared from the market. Shortly before the holidays, Hot Topic introduced the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Snuggie Funky Cozy. They sold out. For obvious reasons. [More]

Snuggie Fashion Show Takes NY Fashion Week By Storm
What’s better than a fashion show? A multi-species fashion show. When the makers of the Snuggie decided to introduce new colors, prints, and fabrics, they knew just how to do it. Where else but a Snuggie show during New York’s Fashion Week?

If Your Dog Is Lonely, Buy Him A Sex Doll
It’s not enough to drape your best friend in his own custom-made Snuggie. After all, a robe alone doesn’t keep away the haven’t-had-sex-in-years blues—you need ice cream for that, and dogs shouldn’t eat ice cream. Instead, you can pamper him with his very own fake dog sex toy.

Snuggie For Dogs Strains Human-Canine Relations Nationwide
When you wrap yourself in a Snuggie on a cold evening, does your dog stare up at you with sad, wistful eyes? Even when you’re not holding a bowl of popcorn? It’s time for you to acknowledge that your dog is jealous of your Snuggie.

Warning: Read The Fine Print Before Cashing An Unexpected Rebate Check
At first, it looks like a rebate check, but read the fine print. It says if you endorse and cash the check, you are signing up for a marketing service called “Great Fun.” Then, your credit card will be charged $149.99. That subscription will renew annually unless you cancel it with Great Fun.

Weezer Introduces Weezer-Branded Snuggie, A Piece Of Us Dies Inside
Weezer frontman Rivers Cuomo has decided to follow his rock heroes Kiss down the road of poor merchandising decisions and is partnering with everyone’s favorite wearable blanket to introduce The Wuggie. This is actually happening.
Now You Can Crochet Your Own Snuggies At Home
If a Snuggie is just a blanket with sleeves, doesn’t it follow that as the crazed hybrid of a blanket and a sweater, it makes an ideal crochet project? One yarn manufacturer thinks so, and has released a free pattern which, coincidentally, requires at least $21 worth of their cheap acrylic yarn.