
Man Sends Silly Complaint Letters To Companies, Receives Silly Responses

Man Sends Silly Complaint Letters To Companies, Receives Silly Responses

“Chad Bradley” likes to write letters to companies. Unlike a normal crank, however, his letters are filled with complaints about surreal or nonsensical things, or they offer useless ideas for product improvements. (To the makers of Connect 4, for example, he suggests a new game called Connect 1.) The letters are entertaining enough on their own, but what’s even better is sometimes the companies write back.

"" Is Apparently A Curse Word On Best Buy's Forums

"" Is Apparently A Curse Word On Best Buy's Forums

Reader Andrew was trying to post a question on Best Buy‘s forums, but he made the horrible, offensive mistake of putting a space between “Best” and “”

Lucky Charms Is Promising More Than It Can Deliver

Lucky Charms Is Promising More Than It Can Deliver

Reader Jon thinks General Mills is overly optimistic about the efficacy of Lucky Charms‘ newest feature.

Woot Wants You To Understand: You Will Get White Headphones

Woot Wants You To Understand: You Will Get White Headphones

Do you remember Millard? He was the angry customer who demanded that Woot send him black iPod headphones to match his black iPod, and claimed to have been misled by the company. Woot is selling black iPods today and wants to make it very clear—”in case your monitor can’t display pictures, or you’re black-white colorblind”—you will receive white earbuds with your iPod. Sorry, Millard, Woot is still refusing to cooperate by inventing a black version of the Apple product.

Walmart Violates Company Policy, Pretends Not To Accept Bike Returns

Walmart Violates Company Policy, Pretends Not To Accept Bike Returns

The Walmart in Norman, Oklahoma refused to accept bike returns until a district manager, acting on a reader tip, reminded the store that they were violating company policy. Reader Keia tried to return the “shoddily constructed,” “dangerous piece of garbage” for a bike that Walmart sold him, but an employee, backed by the store manager, explained that since Walmart could repair the bike, their return policy didn’t apply. That didn’t sound right, so Keia went over their heads…

Homeowners Association Will Foreclose On Your House If You Don't Pay $267.58

Homeowners Association Will Foreclose On Your House If You Don't Pay $267.58

Be careful what you sign when you buy that new home — because you might be agreeing to allow the home owners association foreclose on and auction off your house if you don’t pay your dues.

No, You Should Not Use A Forklift To Move A Car Parked In "Your" Spot

No, You Should Not Use A Forklift To Move A Car Parked In "Your" Spot

Georgia resident and SECO Parts and Equipment employee David Johnson told his co-worker that there would be consequences for parking in his spot. “He better come move it,” Johnson warned, “or I’ll move it for him!” This wasn’t enough to convince the co-worker to move from what had to be an ideal spot, so Johnson did what any rational solution-minded employee would do. He got a forklift…

This Office Depot Coupon Apparently Applies To Everything

This Office Depot Coupon Apparently Applies To Everything

Tipster Paul quips, “perhaps they should invest in a ‘techonology’ like spell check…” [Office Depot]

RyanAir To Liven Up Emergencies With Exciting New Escape Fees!

RyanAir To Liven Up Emergencies With Exciting New Escape Fees!

RyanAir’s toilet tax may not be the company’s worst idea after all, as reader Geoffrey reminds us with this mockup showing several potential fees the budget Irish carrier may well be considering.

Tropicana's Failed Packaging Design Was A Real Life Poochie

Tropicana's Failed Packaging Design Was A Real Life Poochie

The Tropicana redesign disaster seemed strangely familiar to us, and we just now realized why: the Simpsons already did it.

Gray Lady To Wall Street Failures: Why Not Become A Clown?!

Gray Lady To Wall Street Failures: Why Not Become A Clown?!

Hey, Wall Street failures, have you considered an exciting new career as a document shredder? How about working as a butler? Ok, ok. Would you work as a clown? Seriously! According to the Times, it’s a perfectly valid “career option” for washed up investment bankers. “Even sad clowns are a hoot at a birthday party.” And the Times is full of other helpful suggestions…

This Complimentary Bottle Of Water From Best Western Costs $3. Huh?

This Complimentary Bottle Of Water From Best Western Costs $3. Huh?

Best Western knows that hotel customers hate trumped up fees for minor perks, which is why they kindly offer this complimentary bottle of Poland Spring for only $3.


BK’s gag gift $3.99 perfume that smells like a “flame broiled burger” is selling out all over NYC. Where did they get perfume that smells like flame-broiling? Hmmm… “What do ya think’s in the burgers?” [MSNBC]


Need work? The New Museum in New York is looking to pay $10 per hour to women aged 18-40 who are willing to spend six hours sleeping as part of an exhibit. [WDSU]

Great, Airplanes Are Cleaner. Do You Care?

Great, Airplanes Are Cleaner. Do You Care?

No longer distracted by high oil prices, airlines now claim that they’re starting to focus on customer service. Two of them, American and United, think that their biggest issue is dirty planes. Wouldn’t it be great if that were true?

Recession Special: $2,299.99 Roast At Costco

Recession Special: $2,299.99 Roast At Costco

Reader Patrick points out a roast that could save the economy single-handedly — 15 lbs of Wagyu beef from Costco for $2,299.99.

ACE Hardware Is Tired Of People Asking For Double Ended Male Adapters

ACE Hardware Is Tired Of People Asking For Double Ended Male Adapters

At the risk of allowing this post to devolve into a discussion about the morality of “double ended male” products in general — we thought we’d share this photo of a sign spotted in the window of an ACE Hardware store.


The NYT offers some help choosing a yule log dvd.