
Overstock Sends You Sexy Leather Pants Instead Of A Rug

Overstock Sends You Sexy Leather Pants Instead Of A Rug

Internet catch-all retailers like are prefect for hilarious shipping mishaps. Order a rug, get a sexy pair of pants.

TSA Donates Potentially Explosive Liquids To "A Local Homeless Shelter"

TSA Donates Potentially Explosive Liquids To "A Local Homeless Shelter"

We imagine that TSA agent has fun sitting around thinking of various things to tell people when they ask what will be done with whatever gooey menace is being confiscated. Hey, at least they didn’t sell her lotion on eBay. —MEGHANN MARCO

Netflix Recommends Moses Movie For Lovers Of Death Wish 3

Netflix Recommends Moses Movie For Lovers Of Death Wish 3

Speaking of God and marketing, here’s a movie recommendation Netflix made to Sam. Because he enjoyed Death Wish 3, Netflix thought he would enjoy The Bible Collection: Moses.

Here's Your Half-Empty Glass

Here's Your Half-Empty Glass

Five minutes later, our waitress returns. The drink doesn’t have ice. But it’s literally half full. That’s correct. They took out the ice but didn’t full up the glass. And there was so much ice that I now have about half a glass of juice. For $3.95.

The New IMDB Website Could Use Some Work

The New IMDB Website Could Use Some Work

We don’t want to rain on their parade, but we think the new IMDB website’s recommendation engine could use some work. Just because a movie is about someone returning home, and contains the word…well, you get the idea. —MEGHANN MARCO

Did Microsoft's Vista Circus Promo Break NYC Law?

Did Microsoft's Vista Circus Promo Break NYC Law?

Yesterday’s fanciful Windows Vista promotion featured thirteen unitard clad abseilers racing down the Terminal Building, waving gaily colored flags to form the Vista logo. It may also have been completely illegal according to NYC Admin Code.

McDonald's "Trip Planner"

McDonald's "Trip Planner"

Planning a road trip across the country but want to make sure you’re never too far away from a McDonald’s? McDonald’s website has just the thing. They’ve added a “trip planner” to help you make sure that you don’t miss a single McDonald’s.

Microsoft's Vista Circus: Was David Blaine Busy?

Microsoft's Vista Circus: Was David Blaine Busy?

Gothamist has evidence of some “off the wall” advertising by Microsoft. In celebration of the imminent Vista launch, they set up a special billboard in Manhattan…then circus performers encased in colorful scuba diving suits repelled down the surface, hailed cabs and left. Yes, really. It kind of reminds us of that dance cycle guy from the Big Lebowski. Not sure if that was their intention.—MEGHANN MARCO

Kid Buys 103 $.01 Gift Cards From Best Buy

Kid Buys 103 $.01 Gift Cards From Best Buy

    Had some trouble getting them, apparently me doing this 2 other times has sparked the interest of the management and they’ve received an e-mail not to let anyone do this anymore. I’d like to think this is solely because of me because this was an original idea of mine. I’m sure someone may have done this before, but I have not heard of anyone else doing such a thing. In any case, I was informed about not being able to do such a thing last night when I tried, my mom went in a quite a rage and I told her we’ll just try again today and hopefully it will be like when Hillary did it for me the 2nd time with no questions of whether or not you can do it. Nikki (left) was more than happy to, we got to around 38 when another cashier recognized me from last night, she said we couldn’t and she called up the manager. The manager tried telling us that we couldn’t do this without us even giving a say in the matter. Thats when my mom became upset again and she pointed out how often we come here and how much we spend, and that she had talked to the number they gave us last night to give it approved and they said it was okay. The manager was silent after that, I wanted to laugh, but I held it in.

More inside.

Escada Perfume Flogs, OMG

Escada Perfume Flogs, OMG

Escada’s new fragrance has a fake reality show to go along with it, and our tipster sends along some flogs being written “as” the characters in the fake reality show. Can’t wait to read the online ramblings of three “young, rich, beautiful women” and the “striking soft-hearted artist and the heir to his family’s fortune,” that Escada just happened to send on vacation so they could film it? You’re in luck.

Northwest Airlines Pulls Carmelo Anthony Issue of Inflight Mag

“Northwest does not want to appear to condone in any way the behavior of some of the players during Saturday’s game, including Mr. Anthony, by continuing to offer the current edition of WorldTraveler,” the airline said in a statement.

Continental Airlines: Thanks for the 4 oz of Coke

We flew to South Carolina this weekend because we heard they have some nice weather there. We flew Continental airlines, which we do not normally do. Drink time came around and we asked for a Coke. We got a glass of ice with some Coke poured around it…and no can.

The U.S. Census: Beds Are Like, Totally Dangerous or Something

The New York Times has an article today about the U.S. Census 2007 Statistical Abstract of the United States. Big news: We drink a lot of bottle water. More than beer, if you can believe that. The most dangerous consumer item is a bicycle, the second is a bed. Yes, “Bicycles are involved in more accidents than any other consumer product, but beds rank a close second.”

Little Mermaid Doll Calls Child a “Slut”

Little Mermaid Doll Calls Child a “Slut”

Well, well, well. Who knew Ariel was a prude? Apparently, if you press the button on the talking Ariel fast enough, the toy cycles through such saccharine phrases as “Life is the bubbles” quickly enough that a secret message is revealed. “You’re a slut!”

DIY Roomba

DIY Roomba

Consumer Reports thinks the Roomba is a waste of money, so Make Magazine’s Blog brings you this thing. Is it a DIY Roomba? A way to get your children to sweep the floor? A way to get you to sweep the floor? We don’t know, all we know is, we want one, and Make claims that one can be crafted for less than the cost of a floor-sweeping robot. —MEGHANN MARCO

Taco Bell Offers Lifetime Supply of Tacos for PS3

Do you like tacos more than playing video games? Well, you might want to consider this offer from Taco Bell: In exchange for your PS3, Taco Bell is willing to give you a lifetime supply of tacos (read, $12,500 in Taco Bell Bucks). Can one human colon take that much Taco Bell? No man can say.

American Airlines: Evoke 9/11? Give Away A TiVo!

American Airlines: Evoke 9/11? Give Away A TiVo!