Forget 3D TVs, tablets, smartphones, streaming video devices and hoverboards. They might get all the big headlines at this week’s Consumer Electronics Show, but they’ll all also be obsolete by next year’s CES. But a robot that not only mops the floor on its own, but can also scrub around the toilet? Now that’s something I want to see in person. [More]
Caroling Roombas
Here at Consumerist we didn’t make a cute Holiday Greeting video like the drunks at Gawker did, so we just ripped this off from Tod at Hacking Roomba. Because nothing says “Holidays” like a Roomba in a Santa hat—or something….—MEGHANN MARCO

DIY Roomba
Consumer Reports thinks the Roomba is a waste of money, so Make Magazine’s Blog brings you this thing. Is it a DIY Roomba? A way to get your children to sweep the floor? A way to get you to sweep the floor? We don’t know, all we know is, we want one, and Make claims that one can be crafted for less than the cost of a floor-sweeping robot. —MEGHANN MARCO

Scooba Isn’t Worth It
So much for the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, Consumer Reports says Scooba performs exactly how you think it would. Badly.
The Cleanest of the Clean
There are lots of cleaning products out there, but which ones actually clean? Here’s a list of seven cleaning products that Good Housekeeping magazine claims really get the job done:
Morning Deals Round Up: Kind of Skimpy Edition
• has a clearance sale running through the 14th. We didn’t find any particularly fantastic deals, however, so shop carefully.
Morning Deals Round-Up: eMacMonitor
• We’re unsure how the NYC transit strike can make us late to work when we work from home, but by god we’ve managed to do it. In celebration, have a full-blown computer for $250, after multiple rebates. Slickdeals has the details.