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Morning Deals

Morning Deals
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If Best Buy Doesn't Respect Your Time, Take Your $600 Elsewhere
N. thought that because he called the nearest Best Buy store (about an hour and a half away from his home) to have an iPad set aside for him, there would actually be an iPad set aside for him. Well, maybe there was for about five minutes, but after he traveled an hour and a half to get to the store. He sent this great letter to the company’s Executive Resolution Team. [More]

Morning Deals
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The Closer Your Last Name Is To Z, The Faster You Buy
A study finds that the closer your last name is to the end of the alphabet, the faster you make purchasing decisions. And yes, the behavior is ingrained in us based on how we all used to line up in school. [More]

Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
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Haggle Like A Rockstar
Earlier this week we brought you some tips on haggling from The Brooklyn Flea Market. In typical fashion, Consumerist readers replied with their own great tips on haggling, hard-won info tempered in the flames of many a flea market battle. Here’s the best of your best on how to haggle like a rockstar, Consumerist-reader style: [More]

Gizmo Eliminates Supermarket Checkout Lines, Lets Shoppers Scan Their Own Stuff
In the future, there might be no checkout clerks at the supermarket. WSJ reports on how a device at Stop & Shops and Giant supermarkets in the northeast is eliminating checkout lanes and increasing store sales. It’s a “ScanIt!” and it’s a handheld device that shoppers use to scan their own groceries as they put them in their shopping cart. When they want to pay, they just plug it into self checkout station at the end and settle the bill. [More]

Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
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Morning Deals
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Shopping Bag Exhorting You To "Buy Local" Is Made In China
Reader Peter noticed an ironic disconnect between the message on the front of this reusable bag proclaiming, “Buy Fresh, Buy Local, Northern Virginia” and the country of origin listed on the label inside. Yep, it’s China. “Thought you’d enjoy the attached photo promoting our fine Northern Virginia products,” writes Peter. “Apparently though you have to travel overseas to get a good bag to put them in.” That’s right, these days, even our local pride is imported. [More]

Tips On Haggling From The Particular People At The Brooklyn Flea Market
The Brooklyn Flea Market at Fort Greene is full of curios and hidden treasures curated by a heterogeneous band of impassioned vendors. You can, and should, get money off the asking price but you’ll have to muster up the courage and convince the person working the table you’re worthy of a bargain. Ying Ying Li made a beautiful video interviewing both the sellers and buyers in this bazaar to glean some tips: [More]

Morning Deals
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