We know you can’t wait to rush home from the flea market to bust out that newly acquired antique shaving brush, and put it to use getting rid of your wintry fur. But before you lather up with your historically accurate brush, be aware that there’s a chance it may be carrying some era-appropriate anthrax. [More]

Unilever Buys Dollar Shave Club For $1 Billion In Cash
In an effort to gain a foothold in the $3 billion razor market, Unilever has purchased monthly razor subscription service Dollar Shave Club for one billion razors. Excuse me, I meant to say, in a deal worth $1 billion. [More]

Men: The Pride You Take In Your Hairy Face Is Worrying The Shaving Industry
All that time you spend grooming, brushing, oiling, massaging and generally worshiping your hairy face is great and all, but the people who make razors and other shaving products aren’t so pleased with the increasingly popular hirsute look. From stubble to fully-flowing follicular masterpieces, facial hair isn’t just for lumberjacks and hipsters anymore. [More]
Stretch Out The Life Of Your Disposable Razors
You know an old razor blade is past its prime when a shave leaves you with a field of untouched stubble. A few quick maintenance steps can keep your razors lasting longer than usual, sparing you money and frustration. [More]

Switch To Old-School Safety Razors And Save $160 A Year
Like a drug dealer giving out free samples, Gillette has been getting men hooked on Fusion razors by handing out free Fusion razors. You go along and you think, mm, this is a pretty good shave, and eventually you need to buy replacement cartridges, and it turns out they cost $40! Reader Jim got sick of spending $250 a year on cartridges for a shave that wasn’t stellar so he decided to kick it like a grandpa and switch to old-school double-edged safety razors. Jim says the blades on these just cost pennies a piece and the shave is cleaner and closer. Here’s how he made the switch: [More]

Blade Hoarders Hedge Against The Men's Razor Arm Race
With men’s razor makers engaged in a constant competition to design more elaborate stubble-eliminators that phase out older models and slash deeper and deeper into your budget, blade hoarders are hauling in high-end razors to bolster their stash for the future, the Wall Street Journal reports. [More]

Advice: Do Not Shave Your Privates While Driving
Much is said about distracted driving. Don’t text, don’t talk on the phone, don’t eat soup. Apparently nobody bothered to tell one Florida woman not to shave her privates while driving. Clearly, this was our mistake. [More]

Wet Shave And Save!
Wet shaving offers a closer, classier, and cheaper shave than any of the modern junk littering pharmacy aisles. Wet shaving requires a double-edge safety razor and badger-hair brush, along with a healthy dose of practice, but once you have your basic equipment razor refills cost just pennies per month. [More]