San Diego Padres pitcher Tim Stauffer added a twist to the belief that Apples are good for your health, using his iPhone in his hotel room to look up his symptoms on a medical site and correctly deducing he had appendicitis, ESPN reports. [More]
self help
Here’s one man’s poignant Amazon review of how “The Secret” changed his life. We take back any skepticism we had about it. [Amazon] (Thanks to Smashville!)

Shame Yourself Into Spending Less With A Hello Kitty Debit Card
Reader MervinGleasner has Hello Kitty to thank for his unique method of curbing personal spending. In a comment on our “Succeed Through Self-Undermining!” post, he writes:

Succeed Through Self-Undermining!
Our post on freezing your credit cards in a block of ice got me thinking. Anything that slows, stops, or impedes making transactions can be used as a technique for limiting your spending. Whatever it may be, cutting up your credit cards, locking up most of your money in an account it takes 3 days to transfer from, giving yourself an allowance, it will be a variation on a single principle: It’s easier to put a hard limit on the future then to make the right decision in the impulsive moment. Installing some kind of an automatic hiccup can help break you out of your desire-driven action and give you the breathing room to step back and make the right choice. So if you have trouble with overspending (or overeating or any kind of bad habit) and your sheer willpower is sometimes lacking, aka, you’re human, try brainstorming ways you can trip yourself up. The world is full of obstacles, it shouldn’t be too hard to find one.

Oprah Giving Away Women & Money!
Now you don’t have to dress up in corporate casual-wear and spend half the day screaming in a studio audience to get something free from Oprah, because for the next day she’s giving away digital versions of Suze Orman’s new book “Women & Money” on her website, from now until 8/7c February 14th. Downloads are available in English and Spanish versions, PDF only.

Preface From Financial "Life Planning" Book
The basic principle of “life planning”—that to succeed at managing your personal finances, you have to incorporate personal elements like your values and beliefs—seems reasonable enough, but rushing to B&N or Amazon to buy yet another financial advice book sure feels an awful lot like more of the same. However, since this excerpt is basically the preface to the book, we thought it was worth sharing. It’s like browsing in a bookstore without having to leave your desk! $avings!

10 Great Finance Books
Trent at The Simple Dollar read a new finance book every week for a year, ranking them according to how original and useful they were, and now he’s compiled a list of his top ten picks. According to Trent, if you read these ten books (and maybe the ones coming in at #11 and #12), “You’ll have absorbed basically all the useful material in every book on the list.”
His top pick is “Your Money or Your Life,” by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin, a “big picture” book that looks at how and why you spend your money.

6 Financial Demons And How To Exorcise Them
If you keep trying to save money and failing, there’s a good chance you’re possessed… by “financial demons,” says Kiplinger. Here’s a list of six common ones and how to exorcise them, before your credit rating goes all Linda Blair on you.
Does Gary Coxe Need More Self-Self-Help?
Haven’t had enough of Gary Coxe, self-help superstar? This anonymous tipster writes to tell us exactly how successful Gary’s amazing program has been for Coxe himself:
The helicopter Gary is standing behind is not even his. He leases it!
Spam: White Dude Had It Rough, Wants To Show You His Helicopter
– he truly walks his talk.
We’d link you to his website but it’s full of popups. Besides, if you really want to learn about this, you’ll pick yourself up by your bootstraps and fight through gale force winds filled with snakes surfing on shards of glass to kill the men who stand between you and a Google text entry box.