Maybe you’re not ready to hop into a driverless taxi cab, but what about having your pizza delivered by a self-driving car? [More]

The Real Problem With Self-Driving Cars: They Actually Follow Traffic Laws
In the century or so that people have been driving, two different sets of rules have developed: The official laws that we’re supposed to obey, and the unofficial code of the road that bends and often breaks those laws. For example, we all know — whether we like it or not — that many highway drivers are going to exceed the speed limit. But what happens when you introduce self-driving cars that are designed to always follow the rules and don’t understand why other drivers are extending their middle fingers in their direction? [More]

Apple, Uber, Tesla Ask California To Revise Rules For Self-Driving Cars
Now that California has proposed rules intended to make it easier for tech companies to test self-driving vehicles on public streets, those companies are calling on the state to make additional changes that would further favor the industry. [More]

Uber Wants To Make Up With California, Give Self-Driving Cars Another Shot
Last December, the California Department of Motor Vehicles revoked the registration of 16 self-driving Uber cars that were operating in San Francisco, because Uber had not sought the proper permissions from the state to operate these autonomous vehicles. The ridesharing company quickly picked up and headed south to Arizona, but it may be ready to give the Golden State another try. [More]

Tesla Accuses Former ‘Autopilot’ Manager Of Stealing Company Secrets
Between safety concerns and a tit-for-tat with a former supplier of parts for its assisted-driving system, Tesla’s Autopilot has been thrust into the spotlight numerous times in the last year. Now, the company is doing battle over the semi-autonomous feature again, this time suing a man who formerly worked as a manager for the division, claiming he stole company secrets to start his own self-driving company. [More]

Pressure Mounts For Tesla To Stop Using The Term “Autopilot”
What does the term “autopilot” mean to you? For many people, it applies to a machine that can steer itself with minimal human intervention, but for electric carmaker Tesla it’s a marketing term to describe a feature that is decidedly not hands-off — and which consumer safety advocates believe can cause potentially dangerous confusion.

Self-Driving Car Involved In Crash… After Driver Takes Control
Given Google’s recent confession that its self-driving cars would have been involved in 13 crashes if a human hadn’t intervened, you’d assume that having a real driver in an autonomous car could only help. Then you remember that millions of humans crash their vehicles every day, regardless of how intelligent that car is. [More]

Volvo Says It Will Have A Death-Proof Car By 2020
Proponents of self-driving vehicles claim the new technology will decrease the number of accidents occurring on the roadways. But it appears that Volvo wants to go a step further by pledging to eliminate all deaths and serious injuries in its cars in the next four years. [More]