You know that moment when you’re telling a great story, the one about the time your friend carved Aaron Rodgers’ likeness out of cheese and then married it, but in the moment, you can’t remember where to find the photo evidence on Facebook? Your storytelling skills may be vastly improved now that Facebook will let users search among their friends’ photos. [More]

Twitter Might Let You Use Keyword Filters To Curb Online Harassment
For the last three years, Twitter has worked to improve the safety of users by creating and adapting its blocking policy and tools. Now, the social network is reportedly looking to create a tool that would allow users to search for certain words they find offensive and block those messages. [More]

Google Launches iOS Keyboard That Allows Searches Within Other Apps
Imagine a world in which you don’t have to leave your riveting text conversation to search the web for the appropriate GIF. Dream no more: Google today announced that it has created a new keyboard for iOS devices that allows users to perform searches from their messages. [More]

Facebook Updates Search Function; Now Is A Great Time To Run And Check All Your Privacy Settings
Facebook search is… well, kind of a joke. It can tell you which 400 people in your area have similar names to that one person you want to connect to but aren’t quite them, but it’s not great for finding that post you really, really wanted to dig up from last year with that article you half-remember. Until now. [More]

Google Drops “OK Google” Voice Prompt For Desktop Search
If you’ve been shouting at “OK Google” at your laptop all morning long, unsuccessfully trying to voice-activate a Google search, it’s not a problem with your computer. [More] Launches New Service To Find The Best Deals has launched a new service——dedicated to finding the best deals online. We don’t know how well it works, but we like the tabs that let you quickly jump to free shipping offers and printable coupons. It might be a decent starting place if you’re in the market for something and need to comparison shop first. Update: Our readers say it’s not worth your time, at least in its current state—results are paltry and frequently old or expired.

Use Google Trends To Find The Best Time To Go Car Shopping
Engine Industries used Google Trends to map the frequency of search terms like “used car,” “new car,” and “buy car” through Google. They found that “people search car-related keyterms most in the summer and least in the winter, with a small spike right before Christmas.”

If you have an iPhone or a G1, Google has just announced a new version of their Product Search specially formatted for those phones. Here’s a video demonstrating how the mobile version looks and functions. [Google Mobile Blog via IntoMobile]

WorldCat Turns You Into A Library Power User
We’ve written before about the money-saving goodness called your local public library, but a lot of readers may not know about a powerful online search tool, WorldCat, that lets you search the holdings of 57,000 libraries in over 100 countries. Even better: “Tell it what book you’re looking for and your zip code or city, and it will pinpoint the nearest library that has the book.”

American Airlines Sues Google Over Trademarked Search Terms
American Airlines has sued Google over search terms that include words that American Airlines has trademarked. For example, if you search Google for “Aadvantage,” American Airline’s frequent flier program, Google will display a link to the program, but also show ads from competitors. Finds What You Like is a brand-new search engine that allows you to search by looking at shoes and accessories featured in celebrity photos. Sounds lame, and it is, until you realize that you can draw a box around the exact part of the featured accessory you like… and searches for other products that have that same feature.

AOL’s Search Leak and You
We’ve had a lot of fun with the AOL search results leak. In fact, some people have been confused by our glee in posting some of the more hilariously depraved records. Don’t we care about privacy?