
Will This Vaccine Cure Smoking?

Will This Vaccine Cure Smoking?

Meet NicVax, the opposite of the cool kids at the bus stop in 7th grade who got you to try a cigarette for the first time. [More]

Scientific Proof That You Hate Christmas Creep

Scientific Proof That You Hate Christmas Creep

We’ve never doubted the fact that Christmas Creep is a nefarious plot to destroy Thanksgiving, Halloween, Columbus Day and even Labor Day (it’s run by a big eastern syndicate, you know). But we never had proof that our disgust with early Christmas promotions is shared by other consumers. That’s why we commissioned the Consumer Reports National Research Center to find out the truth. [More]

Chicago Judges Not Impressed By Laser Gun Speeding Tickets

Chicago Judges Not Impressed By Laser Gun Speeding Tickets

Good news if you live in Chicago and enjoy driving too fast: traffic court judges in Cook County are throwing out speeding tickets issued by laser gun-wielding cops because the LIDAR technology is apparently not “scientifically reliable.”

Want An HDTV? Just Imagine That You Have One

Want An HDTV? Just Imagine That You Have One

Good news, everyone! I don’t have an aging hulk of a CRT television in my living room anymore. No, I have a high definition television, thanks to the power of my mind. At least, that’s what a recent study tells me will happen if I wish hard enough.

Why Commercials Sometimes Aren't Perfectly Synced With The Shows

Why Commercials Sometimes Aren't Perfectly Synced With The Shows

Zac read our recent post about Comcast randomly throwing advertisements in the middle of cartoons and other programming. He let us know that the errant commercials can be explained by science. Broadcasting technology science, that is!

Energizer Responds To Weak Rechargeable Battery Claims

Energizer Responds To Weak Rechargeable Battery Claims

Energizer responded to Are Energizer Rechargeable “D” Batteries “AAs” In Disguise? by explaining why D size rechargeable batteries are made the way they are:

Wired Snaps Into The Slim Jim, Exposes Its Innards

Wired Snaps Into The Slim Jim, Exposes Its Innards

Since the beginning of time, scientists have always thought Slim Jims were made up solely of everlasting beef and awesome, but Wired has dug a little deeper and examined the true contents of the checkout aisle wonder.

Updated: Are Energizer Rechargeable D Batteries AAs In Disguise?

Updated: Are Energizer Rechargeable D Batteries AAs In Disguise?

UPDATE: Energizer Responds To Weak Rechargeable Battery Claims

Blue Food Coloring Used In M&Ms Has Actual Medical Use

Blue Food Coloring Used In M&Ms Has Actual Medical Use

Now, you know what they say about green M&Ms. That isn’t true. But have you heard what they say about blue M&Ms? That the dye they contain can help the body to repair damage from spinal cord injuries? That one’s true. Oh, and the dye also turns rodents blue.

It's Official: Sunbeds Cause Cancer (But Moles Are Far Worse)

It's Official: Sunbeds Cause Cancer (But Moles Are Far Worse)

The BBC reports that there is now conclusive evidence that tanning beds can cause cancer—and not just Tacky Cancer, which makes you look orange, but real live go-see-a-doctor cancer. However, sun exposure and tanning bed radiation both pale in comparison to your mole count, according to an earlier report.

Consumer Reports Declares Wendy's & McDonald's Have Scientifically Superior French Fries

Consumer Reports Declares Wendy's & McDonald's Have Scientifically Superior French Fries

Our sister-publication Consumer Reports tested new trans-fat free french fries from Wendy’s, BK and McDonald’s and have declared that… yeah they basically taste the same as they used to only they don’t have trans fats.

Former FDA Head Says Food Manufacturers Use Sugar, Salt, And Fat To Short Circuit The Brain's Reward System

Former FDA Head Says Food Manufacturers Use Sugar, Salt, And Fat To Short Circuit The Brain's Reward System

Do you have trouble resisting the urge to scarf down that cookie/candy bar/entree? Maybe it’s because somewhere upstream, experts spent lots of time and money manipulating the ingredients to deliver the consumer to a “bliss point,” suggests former FDA head Dr. David A. Kessler. His book “The End of Overeating” looks at how modern food has been designed to be as irresistible and satisfying as possible.

Why Do You Buy Extended Warranties?

Why Do You Buy Extended Warranties?

We all know that most extended warranties are wastes of money that generally go unused, so why do people buy them? According to a study in the Journal of Consumer Research, guilt-racked and nervous consumers are willing to shell out the extra cash to buy a little peace of mind…

Edmund Scientific Jacks Up Price After Shopper Authorizes Payment

Edmund Scientific Jacks Up Price After Shopper Authorizes Payment

Edmund Scientific has contacted me and offered to refund the $13 difference. Although they did lay some of the blame on me for clicking the link they have also said this has been a recurring problem that they will look into further.

Expensive Purchases Are Like Peacock Feathers, Except They Don't Work

Expensive Purchases Are Like Peacock Feathers, Except They Don't Work

Geoffrey Miller, an evolutionary psychologist at the University of New Mexico, says marketers are trying too hard to find a working model of why people spend money the way they do. It really comes down to the human equivalent of “cost signaling” in the animal world—a sort of “peacock feather” display that’s supposed to tell peers and prospective mates how smart or sophisticated we are. The only problem is, other people never fall for it.

About Damn Time: Science Finally Gives Us The Flying Car

About Damn Time: Science Finally Gives Us The Flying Car

Track The H1N1 Swine Flu Across The Globe

Track The H1N1 Swine Flu Across The Globe

Everyone’s still unsure whether the H1N1 Swine Flu is a mild outbreak or something worse, but in the meantime you can amuse yourself with this grim Google Map of suspected and actual cases around the globe. It will give you something to do until the time comes when you have to decide between joining Randall Flagg or Mother Abagail.

Kellogg Agrees To Tone Down "Frosted Mini-Wheats Are Brain Food" Nonsense

Kellogg Agrees To Tone Down "Frosted Mini-Wheats Are Brain Food" Nonsense

What? It turns out that giving your kid a bowl of Frosted Mini-Wheats will not guarantee a nearly 20% uptick in classroom attentiveness, despite what Kellogg claims on packaging and TV? I probably should have figured that out on my own, but I rarely eat Frosted Mini-Wheats for breakfast, so I am quite likely retarded. Luckily for all of us, the cereal company just reached an agreement with the FTC to stop misleading consumers with its faux-scientific claims.