Hotel guests are notorious for treating their temporary living quarters with utter disregard; the phrase “trashing a hotel room” has been part of cultural parlance since at least the dawn of the rock star. Even the poshest of resorts often fall victim to their guests’ worst proclivities. In spite of all the obvious risk involved, one artist thought it would be a good idea to not only have his artwork displayed throughout a luxury hotel, but to install that artwork in the form of headboards. Now he’s suing the hotel after finding out that guests have apparently been treating his art like any other piece of hotel furniture — which, obviously, includes being in the background of porn videos. [More]
san diego

Artist Sues Hotel, Claiming His Paintings Became Infested With Bedbugs, Were Used In Porn Shoots

United Airlines Says It “Misunderstood” TSA About Non-Existent Ban On Comic Books
Now that the Transportation Security Administration has called shenanigans on United Airlines’ claim that folks leaving last weekend’s San Diego Comic-Con could not stow their comics in their checked bags, the airline is admitting that it was wrong about this bizarre request being any sort of federal requirement. [More]

San Diego McDonald’s Reportedly Testing Sriracha Sauce
Just when you thought American’s love affair with that hot-sauce-of-the-moment Sriracha was beginning to wane, the largest fast food chain in the country has begun experimenting with the spicy red sauce: select McDonald’s restaurants in San Diego are reportedly offering a Sriracha-Big Mac Sauce hybrid. [More]

Uber Will Now Take You From San Diego To Tijuana, Won’t Bring You Back
Want a one-way ticket to Tijuana? You can get one from Uber now: the ride-hailing company is providing cross-border trips from San Diego to the Mexican city. There’s one catch, though – passengers have to find their own way home. [More]

San Diego Woman Must Pay $15K Fine Over Airbnb Rentals
Cities across the country have been cracking down on Airbnb and homeowners who rent through the service but may be playing fast and loose with the rules: from enacting city laws and creating offices to enforce said regulations, to ordering the company to pay millions of dollars in hotel taxes and levying fines against those who provide accommodations through the site. The latest such case comes out of San Diego where a woman was recently ordered to pay $15,000 for renting rooms in her home in violation of city laws. [More]

McDonald’s All-Day Breakfast Test Will Not Include Full Breakfast Menu
McDonald’s recently confirmed it would soon begin testing an all-day breakfast menu in the San Diego area, but when that test kicks off next week, fans of certain McD’s breakfast items may find themselves still hungry, as not everything from the morning menu will survive past 10:30 a.m. [More]

Revenge Porn Scammer Found Guilty, Faces Up To 20 Years In Jail
Just days after one operator of a revenge porn site agreed to settle a federal complaint against him, a man who ran a similar site in California was found guilty of identity theft and extortion. [More]

Anti-SeaWorld Pranksters Tweak Interstate Sign To Express Their Dislike Of Park
SeaWorld may have fallen just short of making it to this year’s Worst Company In America Final Death Match, but that defeat hasn’t stopped people who oppose the not-quite-a-zoo-not-quite-a-theme-park from letting the world know they think that SeaWorld, well… sucks. [More]

Let’s Get Summer Started With Photos Of A Krispy Kreme Triple Cheeseburger
Let’s face facts — If you’re reading Consumerist at all today, it’s probably while sitting bored in a half-empty office wondering why you didn’t just make this a four-day weekend like your co-workers Sue, Linda, Ted, and Steve. We feel for you, honestly. While we can’t do anything to get you out of work any earlier, we can try to summer-up your afternoon with photos of a huge cheeseburger on glazed donut buns. [More]

Court Throws Out Case Against Driver Ticketed For Wearing Google Glass
The saga of the California driver ticketed for wearing a Google Glass device while behind the wheel has come to an end, with the court throwing out the controversial charge, but leaving open the door for police to issue Google Glass-related tickets in the future. [More]

SeaWorld Considers Legal Action Against DirectBuy Over “Free Vacation” Promotion
People have been receiving mailers advertising a free three-day vacation to San Diego, including hotel room and SeaWorld tickets. In fact, the letter included what appeared to be a check from SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment. What these notices don’t mention is that you need to attend a 90-minute sales pitch, and more importantly that SeaWorld has nothing to do with the promotion. [More]

Jury Finds Bank Of America Protester Not Guilty Of Vandalism For Chalk Drawings Outside BofA Branches
Last week, a San Diego man made headlines when he went on trial to face 13 counts of vandalism related to chalk drawings he’d made on sidewalks outside of Bank of America branches in the area. On Monday afternoon, the jury returned after only a few hours of deliberation with “Not Guilty” verdicts on each count. [More]

Judge Issues Gag Order In Trial Of Man Accused Of Writing Chalk Messages Outside BofA Branches
As you may have heard, a California man alleged to be a serial graffiti artist faces prison time for scribbling anti-bank messages on the sidewalks outside of three Bank of America branches. The trial began earlier this week and yesterday the judge issued a gag order banning any of the involved parties from speaking to the media — and admonishing San Diego Mayor Bob Filner for chiming in on the topic. [More]

Someone Claiming To Be Bank Of America Staffer Threatens Man For Telling People To Switch To A Credit Union
In advance of the upcoming Bank Transfer Day Consumerist reader Jeff and a friend decided to stand outside a San Diego branch of Bank of America to remind customers that they should consider a credit union. This didn’t go over well with a man claiming to be a BofA employee, who threatened to have Jeff’s credit union account cancelled if the protest continued. [More]

So This Is What Starbucks' Not-Coffee Coffee Looks Like
Yesterday, we wrote about the new Starbucks drinks made from a base of unroasted coffee beans that are being tested right now in the San Diego area. Consumerist reader Josh popped by his local ‘Bucks and was able to snap a pic so those of us outside Ron Burgundy-Land could see what “coffee that doesn’t taste like coffee” looks like. [More]

Starbucks Testing Unroasted Coffee 'Refreshers'
For everyone who says Starbucks coffee “tastes burnt,” the java giant has heeded your complaints — and perhaps gone too far. The ‘bucks announced yesterday that it has begun testing a beverage made from green, unroasted coffee beans. [More]

America's 10 Most Stressful Cities
Forbes magazine has put together a list of America’s most stressful cities and as a product of Chicago, the winner of the dubious distinction of being America’s most stressful city, I have this to say: “Yeah, so? Shut up and let me eat my hot dog in peace for once, goddamn it. No, I’m not yelling. Why are you always saying that I’m yelling? It’s not like you never yell! Pass the sport peppers before this gets ugly.”