Samuel Adams may be the beer brand most closely associated with Boston, which is why one Georgia gas station is not stocking the brew — at least until after the New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons have faced off in this year’s Super Bowl. [More]
sam adams

Pittsburgh Bar Banning Sam Adams Because Hockey Finals Are The Most Important Thing Ever
Sports fans know that loyalties run deep, and there’s no question of giving your opponents any kind of edge. So if you live in Pittsburgh and love hockey, you won’t be surprised to hear that a bar there is banning Sam Adams beer while the Penguins are playing the Boston Bruins in the Eastern Conference Finals. This, because beer and hockey go hand in hand and rivalries don’t have any room for confusion of loyalties. Better drink that traitorous brew while you can, Pittsburghians (Pittsburghites [ed. note: reader says it’s Pittsburghers or Yinzers, awesome]?). [More]

Yuengling Is Now America's Largest Brewer
Did Yuengling suddenly get bigger than Miller or Bud? Nope. Both are now foreign-owned. According to AdAge, Yuengling has recently surpassed Sam Adams’ Boston Beer Company as the largest U.S.-owned brewer that manufactures all its beer in the U.S. [More]

Samuel Adams Comes Through, Replaces Reader's Shattered $150 Super-Beer
About a month ago, we published the story of a premium alcoholic beverage cut down in its prime–a bottle of Samuel Adams Utopias that broke near the end of its cross-country journey. Many of you were deeply concerned about the situation, and we’re happy to report that the folks at The Boston Beer Company came through–reader Z. now owns a beautiful new bottle. [More]

UPS Shatters Precious Sam Adams Utopia Bottle, Dreams
Z. bought a wonderful gift for his sister while in New England: a bottle of Sam Adams Utopia, a strong, expensive specialty brew that you can’t exactly buy at the corner liquor store in California, where she lives. To Z’s dismay, the package seemed to make the cross-country journey just fine, only to have the bottle break shortly before reaching Z’s doorstep. [More]

Sam Adams Makes Illegal, Expensive Beer
Perhaps you’ve heard of Utopias, Sam Adams’ $150-a-bottle beer that’s banned in 13 states. An AP story says the brewery is releasing a new edition of its every-other-year beer, which the story says has the most alcohol by volume of any other beer at 27 percent. [More]

Sam Adams Recalled Due To Glass Shards Inside Bottles
Sam Adams has recalled some beer due to defective bottles that may contain shards of glass, says the company.