The $107 billion merger of Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller is a truly global affair, with the betrothed companies having to appease regulators on multiple continents. While the mega-deal still faces numerous challenges, it has cleared one huge hurdle with SABMiller agreeing to sell its half of China’s largest brewer for only $1.6 billion.

Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s Accused Of Inflating “Original” Prices To Make Discounts More Attractive
Over the past several months, consumers have sued a number of retailers accusing them of advertising “false” original prices on discounted or outlet merchandise. Joining a list that includes Kohl’s and Kate Spade are Macy’s and Bloomingdale’s. [More]

In Sale Flyer, ‘Only At Macy’s’ Means ‘Not Necessarily At Macy’s’
One Boston shopper found what looked like an amazing deal on shirts at Macy’s, advertised in the weekly flyer. Unfortunately, Macy’s now seems to regard their flyer as a random assortment of product pictures and disclaimers. The item wasn’t available at his local Macy’s, and employees just sort of shrugged. [More]

Report: Taking For-Profit Colleges Nonprofit Can Generate Hefty Profits For Owners
Earlier this year Education Credit Management Corporation bought 56 campuses from embattled for-profit chain Corinthian Colleges Inc. and took the schools to the nonprofit sector. While that conversion was initiated because of the ongoing collapse and financial problems facing CCI, other college chains have dropped the for-profit status seemingly to pick up hefty profits. [More]

Corinthian Sells 56 Everest, WyoTech Campuses To Loan Servicer ECMC In $24M Deal
Embattled for-profit college chain Corinthian Colleges, the operator of schools like Everest, Heald and WyoTech, found a buyer for at least half of its campuses in the form of student-loans servicing company Educational Credit Management Corporation (ECMC). [More]

This Office Depot Sale Isn’t Much Of A Sale
Marie is in the market for a new external hard drive, and last week (before the Presidents’ Day holiday) she heard from an office Depot employee that just the item she wanted goes on sale frequently, and she should wait for one of those sales. Hurray! That’s just what she did. She waited for a sale, when an “instant rebate” brought the price down…to exactly the same price that it had been. [More]

All Of The Summer Items At CVS That Are 50% Off Are 50% Off
Len noticed this sign at CVS. It seems pretty straightforward: the summer clearance items are all 50% off. Except for the fans. And the items that don’t scan at 50% off. The more you think about this sign, the more confusing it gets, because it means walking up to the counter or using a self-scan machine to determine whether items are on clearance sale. Why do you need a sign telling you to do that? [More]

Sale At CVS Means You Pay Double
Shopping at CVS, Ajay noticed this odd sale on a seasonal item (sandals). Okay, it’s fine to charge more for seasonal items during the season when they’re used: that’s basic retail. But there’s something terribly wrong when employees put up a sign doubling the price on a sale item without batting an eye. [More]

iPad 1 Is On Clearance Sale At Verizon, But Where'd They All Go?
The debut of the iPad 2 means that you can get some sweet, sweet deals on the original iPad if you know where to look. D. knew where to look, which was a local Verizon Wireless store. Not the first place most people would go for iPads. Including, from what D. observed, the store’s own staff. When D. brought to store employees’ attention that their iPads in stock were marked down to $299, they suddenly didn’t have any more stock. Then they did. Then they didn’t. [More]

At The Gap, "50% Off All Sweaters" Is Essentially Meaningless
One would think that with a major national retailer such as The Gap, promotional signage would be carefully coordinated on a national basis. Local stores wouldn’t be slapping whatever placards they have lying around in the store window, whether or not the sales advertised on those placards are actually happening, and regardless of whether the prices on the placards are actually true. Jeremy tells Consumerist that… well, at his local Gap, that pretty much seems to be the case. [More]

Red "Sale" Sign At Kohl's Means Item Is FOR Sale, Not ON Sale
Nice try, Kohl’s, but we see through your game. An item isn’t on sale just because you say it is. You have to actually decrease the price. Noah writes that when he found a tag emblazoned with the word SALE, he thought this meant that perhaps the item was on sale. Don’t be silly, Noah. [More]
On Sunday, a judge approved the sale of nearly all of Chrysler’s assets to a group led by Italy-based Fiat. [BBC]

Circuit City Close To Being Sold… Or Liquidated
Circuit City announced today that it is close to finalizing a deal to sell all or part of its operation to one of two undisclosed potential buyers— but if the deal falls through— the store could be liquidated.

Wal-Mart Taunts you with 200% Sale
that product you wanted? It was only one dollar. Back in the past. When you didn’t buy it. Are you ashamed? Do you harbor rage against it? Does it keep you up at night? Don’t let it get in your heads, Consumerists, or you’re letting the Wal-Mart win! Fight back, Consumers! Fight back against their mind games, and their awkward notion of sales, in one fell swoop; shop elsewhere. Thanks, Bryan!

Closing: An Employee Report From Inside The Wilson's Leather Bloodbath
Reader L is an employee of Wilson’s Leather and has the following to report from inside the liquidation. Everything and everyone must go.
Toys R Us Invites You To Save $-10
Ran into this sign over the weekend at the ToysRUs in Henderson, NV.

Awesome Target Battery Sale: Regular Price $8.69 On Sale For $8.99?
Not that this is a big deal, but I thought it was funny.

Save 20% At Gawker Shop
Now that the heat wave has broken, celebrate your return to wearing clothes with a new shirt from Gawker shop, now $4 off.