
More Mattel Lead Painted Toy Recalls Tomorrow

More Mattel Lead Painted Toy Recalls Tomorrow

Toy-giant Mattel will recall yet more toys covered in deadly lead-tainted paint, the AP reports.

Mattel's Reputation With The CPSC Is Officially Crappy

Mattel's Reputation With The CPSC Is Officially Crappy

Mattel is being investigated (again) by the CPSC over the timeliness of its latest batch of recalls. According to the WSJ, Mattel knows it is required to inform the agency within 24 hours of receiving information about a defect that could cause injury—it just doesn’t do it because it thinks its not fair.

CPSC Has Only One Full-Time Toy Tester

CPSC Has Only One Full-Time Toy Tester

The CPSC is so underfunded that they can only afford one full-time toy tester, and his impact test area is located in the swing area behind the door to his cramped office, NYT reports.

US Sends Substandard Products Overseas

US Sends Substandard Products Overseas

Here’s some depressing news: US companies increasingly export products that do not meet our safety standards, says the Washington Post.

Nation's Largest Car Seat Maker Recalls 19 Models

Nation's Largest Car Seat Maker Recalls 19 Models

Dorel Juvenile Group, the nation’s largest maker of car seats, is recalling 19 models of car seats, including the Eddie Bauer and Costco Cosco brands.

Try Not To Light Yourself On Fire Once You Get To College

Try Not To Light Yourself On Fire Once You Get To College

According to Consumer Reports’ Blog, the number of fires in campus housing has risen dramatically over the past few years—from 1,800 fires in 1998 to 3,000 fires in 2005.

California Moves To Ban Teen Driver Cellphone Use

California Moves To Ban Teen Driver Cellphone Use

A bill banning drivers under 18 from using cellphones passed the California Assembly today. It doesn’t even allow hands-free device use. The Highway Patrol asked for, and got, the offense classified as a secondary infraction, which means you can’t get pulled over simply for breaking this law.

Let's All Try To Avoid Shooting Ourselves With Nail Guns

Let's All Try To Avoid Shooting Ourselves With Nail Guns

Nail gun injuries are on the rise and its not professionals that are shooting themselves—it’s regular consumers just like you.


Toys “R” Us Imaginarium Wooden Coloring Cases (lead paint), B&F System Emergency Tool Kits (fire and shock), Berko Electric Toe-Space Heaters (fire), Aloha Housewares “Aloha Breeze” Portable Electric Heaters (fire), Life Is Good Zippity Hoodie and Sherpa Full Zip Children’s Hooded Sweatshirts with Drawstrings (strangulation).


Oregon Scientific Weather Radios (failure to receive national weather service alerts), Toddler and Youth Nylon Bucket Hats sold at Bass Pro Shops (strangulation), Bella Cucina Death by Chocolate cookies (undisclosed walnuts).

Meet The X-MET3000TXR+ Handheld Lead Detector

Meet The X-MET3000TXR+ Handheld Lead Detector

In response to growing concerns about toxic levels of lead in paint and metal on children’s toys, Oxford Instruments has developed a hand held electronic lead detector, a veritable rock boulder on the tracks of the Chinese Poison Train.

Loose Bolt Might Have Caused Last Week's China Airlines Super Explosion

Airlines worldwide are urged to check the nut and bolt assemblies on 737 series 600 through 900. Stateside, these planes are flown by Continental, Southwest, Delta, American, and Alaska Airlines.

Researchers Hack Remote Keyless Car Entry Devices

Researchers Hack Remote Keyless Car Entry Devices

Researchers have figured out a way to hack remote keyless car entry devices. The threat to the consumer is minimal, it takes several hours to crack the code, but it does give one pause, especially considering that if the Keeloq’s manufacturer added a few simple measures they could render the exploit nearly useless.


Kids Watering Cans (lead), Caterpillar Steel-toed Logger Boots (not actually shock resistant).

If You Buy Expensive Electronics, Be Careful. You Might Be Being Followed…

If You Buy Expensive Electronics, Be Careful. You Might Be Being Followed…

Hey there, he’s a tip from our good friends up in Canada: If you’re buying expensive electronics don’t assume you’re not being followed to your next destination!


China pledges to increase product quality standards in the wake of recent recalls, makes point of noting how 50% of its goods are made by foreign companies. [NYT]

Time Warner Repairman Jailed For Sexual Assault

Time Warner Repairman Jailed For Sexual Assault

If a creepy Time Warner repairman says he wants to ‘be with you’ while on a service call, you probably shouldn’t let him back in your house. After making the comment, Steven James Hernandez was dispatched back to the house to fix a problem outside; instead, he decided to bang on the 28 year-old woman’s door. From KENS 5:

Police said the banging at the door lasted at least 15 minutes, and the man at the door was Hernandez.


Shindaiwa Backpack Blowers (fire), Calligaris ICE Bar Stools (falling).