It’s a New Year and the weather is still nice. Time to organize your crap.
round up
Monday Readers Round-Up
Every time Ben lugs his bronzed body into a television studio, we get indundated with hundreds of emails within minutes… an armada of people up late in the middle of the night, writing in as one, to tell us about their mistreatment.

Monday Morning Reader Round-Up
While the steaming chunks of what was once Ben’s body now clog the toilet of a Bronx men’s room stall, it’s still business as usual here at The Consumerist.

Monday Morning Reader Round-Up
It’s likely to be a slower paced week here at the Consumerist. We’ll still be posting, but it won’t be quite to the volume you’ve come to expect. Ben is taking the next couple days off to lounge about inflating his beer belly in the Hamptons, and working half-days the rest of the week. I, on the other hand, will be spending much of the week in the Netherlands, exchanging kusjes with fly honey-haired Dutch girls.