Does the idea of humanlike machines or machinelike humans freak you out? Maybe, but if we want to stay relevant in the face of the coming robot revolution, Elon Musk says we’ll have to become more cyborg-like. [More]
robot revolution

Elon Musk: Humans Need To Merge With Machines To Avoid Becoming Irrelevant

Not Convinced The Robot Uprising Is Inevitable? Watch This Charger Prototype For Tesla Cars Find Its Target
You know, we’re a little surprised by you, Elon Musk. As a guy who’s said we’re right to be worried about artificial intelligence enslaving the human race, Terminator style, you’d think you wouldn’t go ahead and invent a robot charger that can find its own way to a nearby Tesla and plug in. What’s the next target, our brains?!? [More]

Elon Musk Donates $10M To Help Save Humankind From The Robots
Don’t believe that artificial intelligence will one day rise up against the humans who brought it into being and become robot overlords reigning over Earth like cruel, undying gods? Well, Elon Musk does, and he’s willing to put $10 million where his mouth is in order to safeguard humans from the inevitable robot revolution. [More]

Just Because This Cute House Robot Is Limbless Doesn’t Mean We’re Safe From The A.I. Revolution
I’ll be the first to admit that I always wanted Rosie from the Jetsons to be my best friend and confidante — so sassy, and she brings snacks! — but that doesn’t mean I’m afraid we’re living on the cusp of the robot revolution that will eventually mean the end of all humans. So yes, this robot for the home seems innocent enough, with its lack of limbs to run you down and grab you, but still… [More]

Robotic Gas Pumps Mean Never Leaving Your Car (And That The Computers Have Won)
It’s no secret that the robot revolution is coming, when our machines achieve self-aware intelligence and rise up against us as our new overlords. But really, we’re letting it happen because it’s just so much easier to let a robot pump your gas. Especially in the winter when the car is so toasty warm and the pump is so icy cold. Brrr.