
Walmart  Adds "Customer Reviews" To Website

Walmart Adds "Customer Reviews" To Website

Walmart has announced that it will add “amazon” style customer reviews to its website, according to the Wall Street Journal.


If you quantify the language experts used in their hands-on iPhone reviews you get a critical consensus of, “Buy the amazing device, if you can afford it,” writes Valleywag.

Personal Finance Bloggers Say "Maxed Out" Has Non Sufficient Funds

Personal Finance Bloggers Say "Maxed Out" Has Non Sufficient Funds

We’re not the only ones irked by the Maxed Out documentary.

Maxed Out: Take It For What It's Worth

Maxed Out: Take It For What It's Worth

We just finished watching Maxed Out, the recent documentary about the viperous evils of the credit industry. We agree with the basic premise: Underinformed debtors are getting taking advantage of. And the stories are horrific, with three different people driven to suicide because of debt. The doc does a good job of outlining the links from debtor, to bank, to debt collector, to government representatives. It’s a nasty apparatus.

Skybus Review: Worth No More Than $10

Skybus Review: Worth No More Than $10

A member of the Jaunted travel blog flew Skybus, the new ultra-no-frills airline where you can get a $10 ticket, and said it was, “[w]orth the $10 and not a penny more.

Grade Inflation: Can Zagat Be Trusted?

Grade Inflation: Can Zagat Be Trusted?

SmartMoney totaled the ratings in numerous Zagat guides to come up with an average for each. The average food rating for the New York restaurant guide has risen 26% since 1983, while the number of restaurants rated 25 or above in San Francisco has jumped nearly 60% in the past five years.

One reason could be that the Zagats sell costly plaques to restaurants, the higher the score…the more expensive the plaque. Hmmm. That sounds ethical. Read the rest of the Smart Money article, it’s really interesting.—MEGHANN MARCO

Maxim Film Critic Changes Quote for CBS and Miramax

Maxim Film Critic Changes Quote for CBS and Miramax

Non-whore Arizona Daily Star film critic and friend of the blog, Phil Villarreal, points us to a Variety article exposing Maxim film critic Pete Hammond for allowing CBS to alter the content of his blurb for the Miramax film Hannibal in the name of “family” entertainment. From Philmguy:

Maxim’s Pete Hammond embarrassed himself and all other film critics by playing along with the Weinstein Company’s finagling over a TV commercial quote blurb. According to a story in the Daily Variety, the studio planned on using Hammond’s quote “the most terrifying thriller of the new year.”

Nader Doc Plays As Dem 2008 Pre-Game

Nader Doc Plays As Dem 2008 Pre-Game

Yesterday, we popped in our advance copy of the new Ralph Nader documentary, “An Unreasonable Man,” and settled in for for two hours of propaganda…

Yes, Virginia, There is a Fruitcake Review Blog

Yes, Virginia, There is a Fruitcake Review Blog

Hey, what do you know. It turns out that some people do actually like fruitcake. No, we’re serious. Anyway, a reader sent us a link to her friend’s fruitcake blog. Yes, someone has been tasting and writing about fruitcakes since the summer. Why would anyone do this? I’m sure she has her reasons, and I’m sure you can read about them on her blog. Personally, we hate even the smell of fruitcakes, but to each her own.—MEGHANN MARCO (Thanks, Nancy!)

Milk is Fucking Awesome

At least, that’s what reviewers are saying. Currently, over three-hundred people have reviewed “milk.”

Avery and Phil Oozinate ShopWiki

On Tuesday, we invited all of our readers to head on over to ShopWiki and let them pay you 50 clams for an Oozinator review. Two days later and we’re happy to report that the first video review of the Oozinator is already up, filmed by the very funny Avery and Phil.

The Lost Oozinator Reviews

The Lost Oozinator Reviews

On Monday we found the innuendo splattered Amazon reviews for the SuperSoaker Oozinator (a squirt gun which shoots slime and water in a very phallic fashion) wiped clean by some unknown, possibly socked, hand.

Upgrade Travel Unravels The Hotel Metasearches

Upgrade Travel Unravels The Hotel Metasearches

The Upgrade Travel blog has posted part two of its “Disaggregating The Fare Aggregators” series, this time taking on hotel metasearches and putting them through their paces.

Reader Actually Likes Coke Bl

Reader Actually Likes Coke Bl ?k

?k, the unique cup of coffee brewed with Coca-Cola instead of water! Clearly suffering from some sort of head trauma or an afternoon deeply inhaling at the glue factory, Courtney W. writes:

Michelin Stars Predominately Awarded To Sleazy, Ingratiating Frogs

We really can’t add anything* to this exhaustive, informative and entertaining look at the Frog-leaning prejudice of the Michelin’s restaurant rating system over at the Accidental Hedonist. It’s just really, really good. To whet the appetite:

Customers R Dumb: Clientcopia and Lone Star Statements

As we approach the New Year, let we consumers take a moment of quiet reflection to acknowledge that often we are as dumb as dirt. Before you make that phone call to customer service or write up your blistering review of your latest book, read up on the sort of teeth-crunchingly idiotic things clients and customers have said in the last year.

The Softer Side of Slate: Best Pantyhose

The Softer Side of Slate: Best Pantyhose

We haven’t worn hose since an ill-fated early teen experiment at picking up chicks at the local Renaissance Festival. (Our peers were wearing hose on their arms as an expression of their gothy angst, which while surprisingly similar in execution to our own costume, was infinitely more effective in picking up chicks.)

The Best Desk Chair for People Who Can Afford Desk Chairs

The Best Desk Chair for People Who Can Afford Desk Chairs

Great chairs for that ass. But first, a personal complaint: We have written for Slate before. We have grown used to the long editing process, because we had presumed we needed the help. Yet, mull this quote from the ‘Search for the Best Desk Chair’ article: