Oozinator’s Origins, Revealed!

You’ve watched the video, you’ve read the reviews on Amazon, and now, we’re all going to hell just a little bit faster, thanks to a cartoon over at Words & Pictures.

From the Hasbro website:

    Sneak up on your opponents with a surprise bio-ooze attack! Just when they think you’re coming at ’em with water, blast ’em with a shot of icky bio-ooze! Shoot out globs of gooey bio-ooze and then drench ’em with water! It’s a double blast attack that’ll keep your opponents on their toes and running during every water fight. With the OOZINATOR blaster you don’t just get soaked, you get drenched!

Check out the original of the cartoon for full live video effect (we had to screenshot and paste two images as the last frame, sorry Graham, please don’t sue us).

UPDATE: The Amazon reviews have been deleted, but no one is safe from the almighty power of the Google cache. See what spunk we dug up, after the jump [NSFW]…

So here’s what we were able to retrieve from here. There’s a second page of reviews that we can’t access. Let us know if anyone knows how to go to a sub-page on Google cache so that sub-page is also the cached version (or otherwise access the information).
