
The News; Enron Curses All Who Penetrate Its Tomb

The News; Enron Curses All Who Penetrate Its Tomb

• Personally, we’re a slut for love. [NYT] “The Taming of the Slur”

Sharper Image Dulled

Sharper Image Dulled

A reader squirts, “I just came across your website today…pretty funny stuff! I have to relate to you an experience last week that for some reason really left me fuming.”

All The News That’s Fit To Self-Immolate

All The News That’s Fit To Self-Immolate

• It’s like that children’s game, would you rather have your hip disintegrate, or your jaw? [CT] “Lawyers gear up to attack Fosamax”

Evil Eyes Make Us More Honest

Evil Eyes Make Us More Honest

American Apparel FlipFlops, Flapped

American Apparel FlipFlops, Flapped

We’ve obviously taken this American Apparel flipflop thing too far. Jumped the shark, and all that. So why not do another shot while writhing on the floor? Render the blackout a deeper shade of obsidian?

American Apparel Waffles on Flip Flops

American Apparel Waffles on Flip Flops

According to one of our American Apparel moles, the infamous flip flops they were selling, made in Thailand, not by hardworking Mexican imports given fair wages, health benefits and all the Blackberry PDAs they can eat… have been pulled.

American Apparel Responds to Resignation Letter

American Apparel Responds to Resignation Letter

We asked The Consumerist’s resident American Apparel lurker, Weronika Cwir (pictured), what she thought of Laurelle’s resignation letter we posted earlier this week. The letter was written prior to Weronika’s matriculation at the AA school of the future of the now, but she did manage to pen a heartfelt and revealing response that paints a softer side of the vestment micro-giant.

American Apparel Flip Flops Over Human Rights?

American Apparel Flip Flops Over Human Rights?

We have lots of tipsters: free-thinking contraantidisestablishmentarianists at the retail counter slyly noting down their bosses’ every insidious transgression against the American consumer; once soulless fat cats who have rediscovered their humanity, dramatically hurled their baby blood martinis to the floor and written us about the Mephistophelean dealings being made in Corporate America as a sort of moral atonement.

Apple ‘Genius’ Messes Up Customer Refund

Apple ‘Genius’ Messes Up Customer Refund

As I wrote a few weeks ago, I recently bought myself a beautiful new MacBook Pro. I love the thing: it is the most beautiful computer I have ever owned. Nevertheless, Apple didn’t make it easy for me to give them two thousand dollars. Between that and the smug jackasses working the Genius Bars whom you practically have to beg to just try to fix your computers, I love my Apple just as much as I want to insert a catheter up one of those Geniuses’ urethras and then force him to jump up and down on a trampoline.

Blister Packs Maim

Blister Packs Maim

Walmart’s 32 Year Viral Proliferation

From The University of Minnesota’s Thomas Holmes’ paper The Diffusion of Wal-Mart and Economies of Density. Via Box Tank.

Target Motivational Song Brainwashes Employees Into Having Fun

Guess There’s No ‘Five-Second Rule’ In Shopping

Guess There’s No ‘Five-Second Rule’ In Shopping

Shoppers are less likely to buy clothing if they think it has been touched by others, accordinig to a recent study at the University of Alberta.

Customers Suck Roundup

Customers Suck Roundup

From the other side of the counter, rules and regulations for being a good customer, from the Customers Suck Livejournal.

Who Sucks the Most: Best Buy, CompUSA, Frys, or Circuit City?

Who Sucks the Most: Best Buy, CompUSA, Frys, or Circuit City?

[H]Consumer bought 4 computers from 4 different retailers and compared and contrasted the experiences. Then he made a diorama using this week’s vocab words.

Best Buy Minimum Wage Monkeys Can’t Compete With Fry’s

What do you get when you staff your electronics superstore with pimply and gangly minimum wage monkeys? The sort of apathetic customer service that causes even those with monk-like patience to snap the rigid palm of their hand into the base of a Best Buy’s employee’s nose over and over and over again until blood starts ejaculating from their ears.

Wal-Mart Stocks Brokeback Mountain Next to Sesame Street

Wal-Mart Stocks Brokeback Mountain Next to Sesame Street

We’ve received a late-breaking report that a Wal-Mart in Englewood, CO is stocking Brokeback Mountain next to The Chronicles of Narnia and the Sesame Street learning series.

The Consumerist Goes to IKEA

The Consumerist went shopping for a couch at IKEA this weekend. We made a tight little movie about it.