
Visit NYC, Eat Breast-Milk Cheese

Visit NYC, Eat Breast-Milk Cheese

If you want to try human breast-milk cheese, make sure you stop in at Klee Brasserie in New York City the next time you visit. It’s made from the chef’s own wife, and he tells the New York Post, “It tastes like cow’s-mik cheese, kind of sweet,” and changes flavor depending on “what the mother eats.” His wife says, “The breast is there to make food.” Maybe, but I’m thinking this is a good way to shave a little off the cheese budget. [More]

Is It Ever OK To Walk Out Of A Terrible Restaurant Without

Is It Ever OK To Walk Out Of A Terrible Restaurant Without Paying?

Reader C wants to know if it is possible for a restaurant’s service to be so bad that you are justified in walking out. We’re thinking he means “morally” justified because we’re pretty sure you need to pay if you eat the food. [More]

Restaurant Bans Customer For Not Tipping Enough

Restaurant Bans Customer For Not Tipping Enough

The menu of a restaurant in Winston-Salem, NC, says a gratuity of 15% will be added to parties of six or more. A former customer says she was in a party of three and saw that an 18% gratuity had been added, which she complained about but paid. She said the next time she showed up, she was met at the door by staff and told that she had to agree up front to pay 18% or she couldn’t eat there. [More]

Free IHOP Pancakes Today

Free IHOP Pancakes Today

Don’t forget, you can grab yourself a free buttermilk shortstack at IHOP today, in celebration of National Pancake Day, the day when we take a moment to remember all the fallen pancakes who gave their lives in defense of our country. [IHOPpancakeday] [More]

Free Pancakes At IHOP Feb 23

Free Pancakes At IHOP Feb 23

You can get free buttermilk shortstack of pancakes at IHOP on Tuesday Feb 23 in celebration of national pancake day. [ihoppancakeday] [More]

Burger King And Starbucks Are Finally Teaming Up! Wait, What?

Burger King And Starbucks Are Finally Teaming Up! Wait, What?

If you like Starbucks coffee but you don’t like paying coffee shop prices, starting this summer you should be able to order an iced-mocha-something from your nearest Burger King. The fast food chain is countering McDonald’s recent coffee offerings by teaming up with Starbucks, and prices should be between $1-2.79 according to the Kansas City Star. [More]

Rat Planter Pleads Guilty To Restaurant Extortion

Rat Planter Pleads Guilty To Restaurant Extortion

Finding frogs in your weight watchers food or snakes in your TGIF or mice in your Pepsi is one thing and alerting the authorities for infomational purposes is one thing, but please don’t plant rats in your soup in the hopes of extorting a half-million. Because you will be caught, like Debbie Miller of Wisconsin. Here brilliant scheme was defeated by a microwave. [More]

Our Top 13 Grossest Food Stories Of All Time

Our Top 13 Grossest Food Stories Of All Time

Tales of unacceptable food don’t just appeal to our more prurient interests. They do hit the “eww, can’t look away!” center of the brain quite squarely, but these stories do more than that. They give us an uncomfortable insight into the complexity of the Western food supply, how industrialized and automated food processing really is, and how underpaid restaurant staff can be really obnoxious sometimes. Fast-food employees in particular.

In that spirit of public education and outreach, here are 13 of the grossest food-related stories from the last four years and change of The Consumerist. Enjoy. Learn. Try not to vomit.

This post does contain pictures, but they’re tiny and it’s difficult to determine what’s in them. Well, mostly.

23 Things Restaurants Do To Save Money

23 Things Restaurants Do To Save Money

Coupon Sherpa put together a list of 23 ways restaurants cut costs. [More]

IHOP Prefers To Debate Veganism Instead Of Substituting Sausage For Eggs

IHOP Prefers To Debate Veganism Instead Of Substituting Sausage For Eggs

If you’re a vegetarian and you’d rather have eggs instead of sausage — do not attempt this at IHOP. You will have to debate the manager. [More]

E. Coli Recall: 864,000 Pounds Of Ground Beef

E. Coli Recall: 864,000 Pounds Of Ground Beef

Huntington Meat Packing Inc. is recalling 864,000 pounds of beef due to potential E. coli contamination. Inside, the six different Huntington products subject to the recall. [More]

Taco Bell Founder Dies

Taco Bell Founder Dies

Did you ever visit a Taco Bell drive-thru late at night and wonder why it was named Taco Bell? It’s because the very first one was opened in 1962 in California by a Marine named Glen W. Bell. The 86-year-old died this weekend and will be buried in a private ceremony. [More]

NYC Wants You To Eat Less Salt

NYC Wants You To Eat Less Salt

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants you to be healthy. First it was calorie counts on menu boards — now he’s going after salt in packaged and restaurant foods. It seems less likely this initiative will lead to an actual law, but you never know, so here we go… [More]

Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine Meals Have More Calories Than Advertised

Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine Meals Have More Calories Than Advertised

If you’re a fan of using frozen Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice and South Beach Living meals to control your caloric intake — you might be interested to know that a news study says the dinners have eight per cent more calories than the labels said. [More]

Hungry McDonald's Customer Throws Mop Water At Cashiers

Hungry McDonald's Customer Throws Mop Water At Cashiers

A bucket of dirty mop water is nobody’s friend, which is exactly why you shouldn’t leave it out where customers can reach it. Because eventually someone will get angry over an order and feel a need to throw something, and oh look, mop water. [More]

Yelp Not Selling To Google

Yelp is no longer being bought by Google, at least for now. [TechCrunch] [PREVIOUSLY] [More]

Google Might Buy Yelp

Google Might Buy Yelp

UPDATE: Yelp Walks Away From Google Deal [More]

Research Shows That People Really Love Bacon

Research Shows That People Really Love Bacon

Bacon: it makes the recession taste better. That’s our theory, anyway, after reading an article on with original research showing that menu items containing bacon at all restaurants are up 26.5% since 2005. [More]