Netflix, once a loudmouthed supporter of net neutrality — the concept that your internet service provider should no say in what you do or where you go online — but Netflix CEO Reed Hastings recently shrugged off the need for neutrality as something that was important to the company a decade ago, but which it not longer really needs. Either not everyone at Netflix is as flippant as their CEO or Hastings has had a change of heart. [More]
reed hastings

Netflix CEO: Movie Theaters Are “Strangling The Movie Business”
It’s no surprise that Netflix would disagree with the traditional release schedule movie theaters stick to — premiering new movies in theaters and delaying their release to TV or on-demand services months later — and today the company’s CEO Reed Hastings took that a step further, saying theater chains are discouraging innovation in the industry. [More]

Netflix Goes Live In More Than 130 New Countries (But Not China)
In the span of an hour this morning, Netflix more than tripled the number of countries in which it offers service, effectively serving everywhere in the world with one huge exception: China. [More]

Verizon, Netflix Stepping Up Battle To Blame Each Other For Poor Streaming Service
The heat of high summer is a great time to stay inside and marathon a million hours of TV. But for some Netflix customers who use Verizon as their ISP, the summer streaming season is a slow and choppy dud. Even though the two companies came to a paid peering arrangement earlier this year, service is still going from bad to worse. Netflix blames Verizon, Verizon blames Netflix, and while service is still cooling down, their very public fight is heating up. [More]

Netflix CEO Says Comcast Is Coming For “The Whole Internet”
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings delivered some pointed thoughts about Comcast’s play for national broadband dominance and the world of net neutrality while speaking at a conference in California this morning. [More]

SEC Warns Netflix CEO: A Facebook Post Does Not A Disclosure To Investors Make
When it comes to running a big company, there are certain things the Securities and Exchange Commission will be a stickler about. Even if you’re the CEO of Netflix like Reed Hastings, the SEC won’t let you off the hook for Facebook and blog posts it says were violations of the Regulation Fair Disclosure rule. Ruh roh. [More]

Netflix CEO Calls Amazon Prime Videos A “Confusing Mess”
In the time since Amazon launched its streaming video service — which includes a library of free movies and TV shows for members of Amazon Prime — it has grown to become a competitor for Netflix, especially after that company angered many customers by doubling the subscription rate for customers who wanted to keep receiving DVDs by mail. But Netflix CEO Reed Hastings says he’s not worried about Amazon, and in fact, he’s not quite sure what they’re offering consumers. [More]

Netflix CEO Rips Comcast On Net Neutrality
It’s been a few weeks since Comcast announced that data chewed up by customers who use the cable company’s Xfinity Xbox app won’t count toward their monthly data cap. The move ignited a debate over whether or not Comcast was unfairly making its product more readily available than those provided by others, like perhaps… Netflix. Well, yesterday, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings decided it was time to make his position known. [More]

Netflix CEO Explains Qwikster Fracas To Catty NYTM Reporter
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings stopped off at the New York Times Magazine to engage with a very ornery reporter on what the whole deal with Qwikster was. If the reporter really asked these questions and didn’t just spice them up later to make himself look like a badass, I’m surprised Hastings didn’t punch him in the face. [More]

Netflix CEO Jokes That Irked Investors May Be Trying To Poison Him
It’s been a downer of a week for Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, whose attempt to soften the blow of deciding to split off his company’s DVD-by-mail division into the questionably named Qwikster was met with much derision and an initial dip in the company’s stock price. But Hastings has either been able to maintain a sense of humor about the situation or he wants the world to know he fears angry investors are out to poison him. [More]

Netflix DVD Service To Be Renamed Qwikster, Will Offer Video Games
Over on the Netflix blog, CEO Reed Hastings offers a lengthy “my bad” about the way the video delivery service abruptly announced the fracturing of its services into separate streaming and DVD-by-mail offerings. But that doesn’t mean Netflix is going back to its old pricing model. In fact, Hastings announced that the DVD delivery service will soon become even more distinct from Netflix’s streaming side. [More]

Netflix Is Sorry You're Pissed, Glad You Don't Have Many Other Options
Yesterday, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings reiterated what has been the party line since announcing its controversial price hike earlier this month, that the company is unhappy that you’re unhappy, but that it’s all going to be better in the long-haul. And it looks like, for now, customers are giving the company the benefit of a doubt. [More]

Netflix Hides Its Customer Service Number
A few weeks back 60 minutes did a profile of Netflix and its owner, Reed Hastings, (who has to have the best corporate name since Warren Widicus.) Anyway, much like our readers, Reed could not find Netflix’s customer service number the Netflix website.