2014 hasn’t been a great year for our planet overall, but here’s one bit of great news in our otherwise gloomy world. Following the news that Five Guys plans to offer bacon as an ingredient in their new customizable shakes, even wackier burger chain Red Robin has announced that they’ll be offering bacon shakes with bourbon, caramel, and a strip of candied bacon to stir the whole thing with. [More]
red robin

As Many As 5,000 Red Robin Customers In Missouri Exposed To Hepatitis A
Health officials in Missouri are trying to sort out just how many diners at a Red Robin restaurant in Springfield, MO, were affected by being exposed to food that came in contact with a restaurant worker infected with Hepatitis A. [More]

Red Robin’s Wine & Vodka Milkshake: Because Who Needs To Be Classy These Days, Anyway?
No longer will you have to combine your own wine, vodka, ice cream and fruity flavors by the glow of your home blender and call it My Special Juice so no one knows what you’ve done! No judgement, seriously, but wine milkshakes are out in public now, thanks to Red Robin’s new Mango Moscato Wine Shake. [More]

Now, Create Your Own Arby’s And Red Robin Meals At Home
Do you dream of creating the unlimited-steak-fries experience you get at Red Robin at home without so much as peeling a potato? Is the “Horsey Sauce” you get from Arby’s just the right combination of mayo and horseradish sauce that you simply can’t duplicate at home? Good news: no more stealing handfuls of sauce packets. Well, unless you’re cheap. [More]

Some Thoughts From Red Robin Manager Who Gave Free Meal To Pregnant Customer
The other day, we posted a little story about a happy experience at a North Carolina Red Robin. Since then, we’ve made contact with the actual manager from the story who explains why this isn’t that big a deal — but why so many people are interested in the story. [More]

How Far Would You Go To Tip Your Server?
Many, many pixels have been on this site over the subject of tipping in restaurants, but how far out of your way would you go to give a tip? -Joe and his wife had dinner at Red Robin, paid for with a few free entrée coupons and a gift card. Only the gift card receipt didn’t have a line to authorize a tip, and the couple only had a dollar in cash between them. In a culture where we often don’t talk about tips, should they just leave the dollar that they had in their wallets and feel guilty about it, or actually address the problem and talk to the server about it directly? [More]

Five Guys Named Best Fast Food Burger In U.S. By Zagat Guide
Earlier this year, the burgers at quickly growing fast foodatrorium Five Guys made the Center for Science in the Public Interest’s list of most calorie-filled meals in the country. Perhaps that’s why the voters at the Zagat Guide recently chose Five Guys as the best burger in the country. [More]

Red Robin Cuts Crayons, Forces You To Talk To Kids
Don’t look now, but some restaurants seem to be cutting back on that staple of the family dining experience: crayons and paper for kids. NPR’s Planet Money blog reports that the Red Robin chain has gone from four crayons per customer to two. How long before they drop them completely, forcing parents to — gasp — hold conversations with their children instead of letting them color images of popular menu items while mom and dad knock down their pre-meal cocktails.

Red Robin Tipping Message Lost In Translation
Anyone who speaks multiple languages is used to rolling their eyes at bad and inadequate translations. There is probably a perfectly reasonable, non-bigoted explanation for the differing English and Spanish texts on this Red Robin receipt.