recession watch


There was an unexpected rise in new housing construction in February— fueled by an 82% jump in the construction of new apartment buildings. We suppose people have to live somewhere, right? [MarketWatch]

Top 10 Foreclosure States

Top 10 Foreclosure States

Rising unemployment is exacerbating the already critical foreclosure crisis, because sadly, while you can return your Hyundai if you lose your income — you’re kinda stuck with that 4 bedroom ranch with the in-ground pool.


The worst unemployment rate in more than 25 years has started to affect Staples. Lower demand for computers and furniture has lead to a 14% drop in profit. [CNNMoney]


McDonald’s: Sales Of Cheap Food Are Up Our 8.1% unemployment rate has helped sales of value meals, chicken sandwiches and Egg McMuffins says McDonald’s. Their same store sales grew by 2.8 percent in the US. [Bloomberg]


We suppose this was inevitable. [Stuff Unemployed People Like]


Economy Hemorrhaging Jobs. The nation’s unemployment rate climbed above 8 percent last month and the economy shed 651,000 jobs, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It’s the highest rate in 25 years, with 12.5 million unemployed. [WaPo]

Gee, What's More Expensive Than A Share Of Citibank?

Gee, What's More Expensive Than A Share Of Citibank?

The Huffington Post (yeah, yeah) suggested: An episode of Family Guy on iTunes, Starbucks coffee, and a bag of peanut M&M’s. (Dead animal free, we hope.)


Walmart continues to see its same store sales grow as people trade down from more expensive stores. Meanwhile, Macy’s, Kohl’s and Nordstrom are all hurting. [CNNMoney]

1 In 8 US Households Either Late Or In Foreclosure

1 In 8 US Households Either Late Or In Foreclosure

Here’s your daily depressing mortgage news — as employers shed jobs mortgage delinquencies are rising — intensifying and spreading the mortgage crisis.

Microsoft Tells Broken Xbox Owners To Find Their Own Shipping Boxes

Microsoft Tells Broken Xbox Owners To Find Their Own Shipping Boxes

Reader Zach’s Xbox 360 just suffered its second Red Ring of Death. He dutifully called up Microsoft customer support to get a shipping box to mail his Xbox in for repairs, and instead was told he’d need to find his own box and ship it himself.

Girl Scout Cookie Sales Are Down, And Some Jerk Is Paying With Fake Money

Girl Scout Cookie Sales Are Down, And Some Jerk Is Paying With Fake Money

Delicious though they may be, Girl Scout Cookies are not recession-proof. Sales are down by as much as half according to one troop leader.

AIG Loses $62 Billion In A Single Quarter

AIG Loses $62 Billion In A Single Quarter

The government is taking steps to revamp the AIG bailout, after the company lost a mindbogglingly huge amount of money, $62 billion, in a single quarter.


The GDP dropped 6.2% in the fourth quarter, the largest drop since 1982. Reuters says that a month ago the Commerce Department estimated that the economy shrank at a 3.8 percent pace in the October-December quarter. Whoopsies! [Reuters]

Is Target Too Expensive? Profit Down 41%

Is Target Too Expensive? Profit Down 41%

Consumers are cutting back — and the AP says that shoppers are abandoning Target for even cheaper stores. In addition, Target’s credit card division is running into trouble as shell-shocked shoppers aren’t able to pay their bills.

Merrill Lynch CEO: "Nothing Happened In The World Or The Economy" That Would Justify Suspending Bonuses

Merrill Lynch CEO: "Nothing Happened In The World Or The Economy" That Would Justify Suspending Bonuses

You know how Merrill Lynch recently lost $15 billion? Remember how we’re in a unbelievably huge global financial crisis that threatens to unravel the fabric of our economy? John Thain says that’s no reason not to pay billions of dollars in bonuses.


What the hell? Even people who make CANNED SOUP are hurting. [Bloomberg]


Two Philadelphia newspapers, the Inquirer and the Daily News filed for bankruptcy Sunday. [NYT]


The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the government may end up owning a 40% stake in Citibank. [WSJ]