
Many Unhappy Returns

Many Unhappy Returns

Mouse Print’s got a roundup of some of the stricter return policies.

Kmart: The 2 Item, 21 Inch Receipt

Kmart: The 2 Item, 21 Inch Receipt

Reader David writes in with a complaint about Kmart. David went to his local Kmart where he bought a lamp and a light bulb for that lamp. David was then printed a receipt that was 21 inches long. He measured it. From his blog:

EXCLUSIVE: Costco To Make Return Policy Stricter?

Costco is making its liberal return policies stricter, according to a little birdy. Previously, you could return anything, except computers, at anytime, with or without a receipt.

The $55 Mac And Cheese Guy Speaks

The $55 mac and cheese (and truffle) guy has some choice words for you (the friend was platonic, he had a good time, is not a douche, etc), inside…

UPDATE: The $55 Mac And Cheese: The Menu Said ‘Truffles’

UPDATE: The $55 Mac And Cheese: The Menu Said ‘Truffles’

UPDATE: The $55 Mac And Cheese Guy Speaks

The $55 Mac And Cheese

The $55 Mac And Cheese


Retailers’ Return Policies

Retailers’ Return Policies

Retailers are getting stricter with their return policies this year. If you’re not hot about the Marshmallow Shooter or Toshiba SD-4990 DVD Player grams got you, keep the receipt and don’t take it out of the package. Here’s the return policies of some of the major retailers. — BEN POPKEN

The Straight Scoop On If Stores Can Legally Stop You And Check Your Receipt

According to consumer reporter Asa Aarons, unless you’ve signed a membership agreement contractually obligating you, bag searches and receipt checks are voluntary. As in, you can refuse.

Ask The Consumerist: Do I Have To Let Stores Check My Receipt?

Reader Carlton writes in with a query:

Shamu Proves Retailers Don’t Care About Credit Card Signatures

Shamu Proves Retailers Don’t Care About Credit Card Signatures

Conclusive proof that signing your credit card slip is completely irrelevant: The Credit Card Prank II.

Best Buy Enjoyed By Man

Best Buy Enjoyed By Man

Man goes to Best Buy. Has pleasant time. Universe implodes. Again.

CircuitCity Practices Deceptive Rebate Marketing

CircuitCity Practices Deceptive Rebate Marketing

It all depends on what your definition of, “is a receipt,” is.

Gay Musical Writer Intolerant of Receipts

Like most gay aerobic instructors/writers of musical theater, Joel Derfner doesn’t need any damn receipts for his batteries. Duane Reed, as it turns out, doesn’t need want his pink slips in return.