
All Charges Dropped Against Circuit City Receipt Refuser

All Charges Dropped Against Circuit City Receipt Refuser

Legal charges have been dropped against Michael Righi (pictured), the guy arrested after refusing to show his receipt to Circuit City, and his driver’s license to a police officer, in exchange for Righi’s pledge to not sue the city. On his blog, Righi writes that he was willing to fight the city to the end without forfeiting any rights whatsoever, but he wanted to spare his family, who would have been principal witnesses, from a protracted legal battle.

WSJ Editor Caught After Accidentally Stealing From Kmart

WSJ Editor Caught After Accidentally Stealing From Kmart

Kmart detained Wall Street Journal editor Laura Landro after she accidentally stole $8 from them by putting a more expensive pair of flipflops in a box with a cheaper price tag.

Why Stores Love To Force You To Show Your Receipts

Why Stores Love To Force You To Show Your Receipts

A former Best Buy employee and Consumerist tipster in good standing shared some insider insights about why store employees are so zealous in checking your receipt, and so zealously underinformed as to how they have no legal right to make you show it.

Receipt Check Policies For Costco, Sam's Club, And BJ's

Receipt Check Policies For Costco, Sam's Club, And BJ's

In most cases, a receipt check is voluntary, but several wholesale shopping clubs make you agree to them as part of the membership contract.

Adventures In Receipt Check Refusals Continue

Rich in Michigan writes that a Michigan Sam’s Club employee foiled his efforts to circumvent the receipt-checking line.

I was detained in a Sams Club receipt-checking line today. When I attempted to steer my cart around the line and out the exit door, an employee with a nametag of ‘Linda’ stepped in front of my cart and asked me to surrender my receipt. When I asked if I was being detained, she assured me that I was…

Circuit City Customer Arrested After Refusing To Show Receipt

Circuit City Customer Arrested After Refusing To Show Receipt

Michael Righi got in trouble this Saturday for refusing to voluntarily show his receipt when exiting a Ohio Circuit City. According to his account, the manager and security guard followed him into the parking lot and prevented the car door from being shut or the car from moving. When Michael called 911, the cop ended up arresting him for not providing his driver’s license.

TigerDirect Apologizes For Unlawfully Detaining Customer For Refusing To Show Receipt

TigerDirect Apologizes For Unlawfully Detaining Customer For Refusing To Show Receipt

The manager of the TigerDirect that unlawfully detained reader Shaneal Manek for his refusal to show a receipt called him this afternoon and apologized for his store’s behavior. Shaneal told The Consumerist by phone that Tony, the store manager, pledged to retrain his staff on proper procedures and that they wouldn’t retain the services of the security guard involved in the dispute.

TigerDirect Unlawfully Restrains And Verbally Abuses Customer For Not Submitting To Receipt-Showing Demands

TigerDirect Unlawfully Restrains And Verbally Abuses Customer For Not Submitting To Receipt-Showing Demands

I was visiting a Tigerdirect (Large Electronic Retail Store) in Naperville, IL today (8/23/07)(8/22/07). All was going well until after I had paid for my merchandise and tried to leave.

Meijer Uses Receipts To Warn Customers They Bought Products Recalled For Botulism

Meijer Uses Receipts To Warn Customers They Bought Products Recalled For Botulism

Instead of just printing coupons on the receipt, Meijer put this warning, using purchase history tracked to her credit card, that reader Sarah may have purchased products recalled for botulism.


Costco receipt checkers will sometimes make a nice happy face on the back of receipts for kids, which is nice. But you know the power is going to their heads when they reprimand your mentally disabled child, who didn’t start talking until he was 3, for not enunciating “please” and “thank you” clearly enough.

Cross Out The Tips Box On Receipts And Write In The Total

Cross Out The Tips Box On Receipts And Write In The Total

We do this little thing to protect against someone charging us more when we swipe with a card for a good or service that doesn’t require tip.

Value City Saves You $1,818,234.50

Value City Saves You $1,818,234.50

Flickr pool member Sassenach1 is the greatest shopper in the history of the planet. She saved $1,818,234.50 by shopping at Value City.

Retailers Get Sued For Printing Too Many Credit Card Digits On Receipts

Retailers Get Sued For Printing Too Many Credit Card Digits On Receipts

As of Dec 4th, 2006, it’s illegal for a retailer to print more than five digits of your credit card on your receipt. Retailers who persisted are getting hit in a recent whirlwind of class-action lawsuits.

Target Revises Return And Exchange Policy: Items With No Receipt Worth $100 $20

Target Revises Return And Exchange Policy: Items With No Receipt Worth $100 $20

…people need to know about this. This policy change will increase customer inconvenience and dissatisfaction in order to stop the 1% of shoppers who collect $200 a year by gaming Target’s current return policy.

Target is not worried. They are telling concerned cashiers, who must explain the change to potentially angry shoppers, “of every 100 guests, one will be affected.”

Signing Card Slip At Home Depot Consents To Mysterious, Hidden Agreement

Signing Card Slip At Home Depot Consents To Mysterious, Hidden Agreement

When Mark signed his receipt at Home Depot, doing so declared he, “HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO READ AND ACCEPTS THE TERMS…” of customer agreement #156326.

Financial Records: Keep or Toss?

• Sales receipts for minor purchases, after you’ve satisfactorily used the item and if it has no warranty.

You mean we don’t need this Ruby Tuesday’s receipt from 1997? —MEGHANN MARCO

Dell: Sorry About The Website Glitch

I work for Dell headquarters in Round Rock, TX and would like to provide assistance. Though this circumstance is not very common, this error may have occurred when our weekly promotions are being updated and refreshed to the website. Please be assured, our online marketing team is very engaged when issues like these arise and work fast to fix the error. I appreciate the concern you have noted and will forward this information to our website team as feedback. If you have any other readers who have encountered this error and is it being incorrectly reflected on their order, please contact me directly. Send your order number to customer_advocate [at] dell [dot] com. Thanks and have a great day!

Protect Your Rebate Check: Get Your Rebate Receipts Notarized

If you really want to protect your ass in case the rebate company arbitrarily decides your rebate claim is expired, get your receipt notarized. Writes Tian: