The last line of defense against armed robbery at Fry’s: receipt checks. Three men loaded up carts with merchandise at a San Diego store, and just headed for the door.
receipt controversy

Walmart Stops You And The Assistant Manager For Refusing To Show Receipt
These receipt checking stories keep coming in and they just keep getting weirder. Reader Patrick was shopping at a Memphis, TN Walmart to buy a firearm, some ammunition and some groceries. First, Walmart refused to sell the groceries and the ammunition because Patrick was buying a firearm.

Detained And Harassed At Walmart For Not Showing A Receipt
Reader J was detained and harassed by some Walmart employees on his way out of the store the other day. J had already put his receipt inside his wallet after purchasing a $25 shower rack when a Walmart employee demanded to see his receipt. J declined and continued exiting the store. That’s when things got weird. First, he was grabbed by a Walmart employee, then another customer started pushing him back inside the store.

Home Depot CEO Responds To Receipt Checking Story
Home Depot’s CEO, Frank Blake, responded to Matt’s complaint about being unlawfully detained by the Washington D.C. Metropolitan police after refusing to show his receipt to a Home Depot employee.

Unlawfully Detained At Home Depot For Not Showing Receipt
Reader Matt has launched the dreaded EECB (Executive Email Carpet Bomb) on Home Depot—attaching a copy of a formal complaint that he filed with the Metropolitan Police in Washington, D.C..