On Christmas Eve in Batavia, N.Y., an elderly Walmart greeter asked a 26-year-old customer for the receipt for her electronics purchases. Instead, the customer allegedly punched her in the face and tried to flee. A mob of customers chased her and prevented her car from leaving the parking lot, and she’s now in jail, charged with two counts of assault. Here’s the unusual part: the customer had receipts for all of her purchases. [More]
receipt checkers

The Police Have Apparently Deputized This Sam's Club Receipt Checker
Julie calculates that her family has spent at least $2.4 million at Sam’s Club over the last decade, buying supplies for their restaurants. That relationship is now over, she tells Consumerist, because someone at the store called the police on her father for having an expired registration. He left the store with two tickets and a healthy dose of humiliation. He’s concluded that Sam’s Club no longer needs his business. [More]

Undercover IKEA Receipt Checker Detained Me, Manager Threatened Jail
Andrew ran into an IKEA receipt checker who seemed to have used Paul Blart: Mall Cop as a training video. The un-uniformed shopping cop demanded to see his receipt, threatened his arrest if he didn’t comply and made him sweat out the shakedown as he took an unreasonable amount of time. [More]

Walmart Manager Takes Customer's DVD Away Because He Won't Show Receipt
Yep, it’s another Walmart receipt checker story! At the end of it, the OP asks, “What should I do?” And I sigh. I really don’t know. Don’t shop at Walmart anymore? Try to encourage your friends to not give their business to any company that acts in such a hostile way to honest, albeit uncooperative, customers? Spend a ton of money on a lawsuit that Walmart will use its very deep pockets to fight? [More]

Hey Stores! How About Offering Some Cash Back With That Receipt Check?
In the comments to our most recent receipt check story, I noticed a reader argued that as long as the store wasn’t willing to reimburse him for his time, he wasn’t willing to give it to them. It makes sense; nothing in the marketplace is free, right? Why shouldn’t consumers be compensated for bag searches and receipt checks?
Another reader, Adam, suggested a similar idea in his email to us this morning. In fact, he thinks maybe the exiting-the-store moment could be a chance to make a little extra cash.

Customer Punches Elderly Walmart Greeter In The Face
It seems that a Pennsylvania man really, really didn’t want to show his receipt at Walmart. So, allegedly, he punched the 72-year-old greeter in the face. Now, the greeter is severely injured and hospitalized, with half of the bones in his face broken. [More]

82-Year-Old Receipt Checker Chases Thief
This security footage from a BJ’s Wholesale in Florida shows a man trying to steal two computers, and the store’s elderly greeter/receipt-checker giving chase. Almost all the good stuff happens off screen, so you’ll have to imagine the awesome karate moves that probably ensued. It’s retail crime fighting in action!

Reader Says He Was Tackled At Walmart For Not Showing Receipt
Robby didn’t feel like showing his receipt to the Walmart receipt checker, and when the guy came after him, Robby ignored him. That’s when other shoppers started closing in on him, and why he started running.

Home Depot Needs To Check Your Receipt "In Case You Stole Something"
Rather than make up some line about needing to make sure customers receive everything they paid for, Home Depot is now openly treating its customers like shoplifters.