
Super Fart Spray Forces Walmart Evacuation

Super Fart Spray Forces Walmart Evacuation

A Seattle area Walmart was evacuated this weekend after a man released “stink bombs” and “super fart spray,” according to the police. 75 customers and employees were forced to flee the stinky Walmart after the suspect threw vials of foul-smelling liquid onto the floor and sprayed a can of a product called “Super Fart Spray.” After apprehension, the 51-year old man said he did it as joke and he thought it would be amusing. He was not arrested. [Seattle P-I] (Thanks to GitEmSteveDave!) [More]

Thanks To Bank Of America's Crappy Online Payment System, Your House Is Getting Foreclosed

Thanks To Bank Of America's Crappy Online Payment System, Your House Is Getting Foreclosed

Sally is 20 years ahead on her 30-year mortgage. So why is Bank of America about to foreclose on her? [More]

Man Who Pledged To Never Buy Another Vizio Gets Help

Man Who Pledged To Never Buy Another Vizio Gets Help

The man who said he’ll never buy another Vizio after his crapped out just a few months after his warranty ran out and would cost nearly half the purchase price to repair, says that after our post went up a gal in their customer service department called him and is “doing their best to rectify the situation.” He Jeremy writes on his blog, “This entire situation has taken an unexpected turn, which I will keep you abreast of in the days to come.” [More]

Come On Down To The Ugly Furniture Store!

Come On Down To The Ugly Furniture Store!

Want ugly furniture? How about a teardrop filled with frog eggs? Want an ugly table to put ugly stuff on? We’ve got that! This is a parody commercial for a real store filled with hideous furniture. [More]

Man Out For Repoman's Blood (Listen To Their Calls)

Man Out For Repoman's Blood (Listen To Their Calls)

Some “pal” of Mark’s put him down as a reference on a motorcycle loan with Freedom Road Financial and fell behind on his payments. So now the company is making harassing phone calls to Mark and his elderly mom, almost giving her a heart attack, telling them that Mark is in “serious trouble,” that he’s “a party” to the “stolen motorcycle.” They wouldn’t stop even though he told them to, and now an “investigator” identifying himself as “Marshal Davis” is also making calls, threatening to send “people” to his home and office. Mark recorded a conversation with Michelle Peacan at Freedom Road Financial (FRF) and we liked it so much that we added some funny photos, and uploaded it to YouTube. Then we reached FRF for comment. [More]

Bundle Up With The Hoodie Footie Snuggle Suit!

Bundle Up With The Hoodie Footie Snuggle Suit!

You can’t get me, Mr. Blizzard! I’ve got my new Hoodie Footie Snuggle Suit. It’s a voltron of my most comfortable items: my favorite slippers, warmest hoodie and coziest blanket into one giant cushy blanket suit. And it’s got thumb holes! Here’s the ad: [More]

Why I Won't Be Buying Another Vizio

Why I Won't Be Buying Another Vizio

Jeremy won’t be buying any more Vizio TVs. He bought an HD one for $650 , then after 18 months of use, it began flickering on and off and then wouldn’t turn it on. The CSR told him it would cost him ~$300 to send it in to repair the power supply, nearly half the purchase price, as the warranty expired. Jeremy thinks a TV should last longer than a year and a half, and so he wrote an open letter on his blog to William Wang, CEO of Vizio TV. [More]

How Do You Get A Neighbor To Stop Parking In Front Of Your House?

How Do You Get A Neighbor To Stop Parking In Front Of Your House?

Amy’s neighbors won’t stop parking in front of her house. They say that parking in front of their own house “spoils their view.” Problem is, they live on the corner and there’s shrubs so the cars also spoil Amy and her husband’s view of oncoming traffic when they pull out. They’ve tried various tactics ranging from the passive aggressive to accidentally knocking the neighbor’s bumper off, but they still plop their cars park in front of Amy’s abode. Dear readers, what can she do to get them to stop? [More]

Rat Planter Pleads Guilty To Restaurant Extortion

Rat Planter Pleads Guilty To Restaurant Extortion

Finding frogs in your weight watchers food or snakes in your TGIF or mice in your Pepsi is one thing and alerting the authorities for infomational purposes is one thing, but please don’t plant rats in your soup in the hopes of extorting a half-million. Because you will be caught, like Debbie Miller of Wisconsin. Here brilliant scheme was defeated by a microwave. [More]

Bank of America Screws Even Ex-Employees Of 21 Years On Mortgages

Bank of America Screws Even Ex-Employees Of 21 Years On Mortgages

How many different ways can you screw a man? Vince couldn’t make his Bank of America mortgage, because they fired him after 21 years of service in the due diligence department. Even after he did a short sale 5 months ago, Bank of America still hasn’t cleared it off their books. Now the illegal debt collection calls start. Is new CEO Brian Moynihan powerless to stop his own company from shaking down its own employees? Let’s find out! [More]

Landing Gear Not Good Place For Discount Airfare, Dead Man Finds

Landing Gear Not Good Place For Discount Airfare, Dead Man Finds

A man was found dead inside the landing gear of Delta airplane landing in Tokyo enroute from New York. Doctors speculated that he froze to death and had a shortage of oxygen when the plane reached over 30,000 feet. Sheesh, we know the seats are cramped but this is ridiculous. What happens when you climb into an airplane’s fuselage and it takes off? This clip from “1000 Ways To Die” explains: [More]

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Consumerist Friday Flickr Finds

Here are seven wonderful photos readers added to The Consumerist Flickr Pool this week, picked for neatness and usability in a Consumerist post. Also, be sure to check out our new Photo Gallery to see the latest additions all week long! [More]

Ripoff Video Maker "Vision Media Television" Renames As "Great America HD"

Ripoff Video Maker "Vision Media Television" Renames As "Great America HD"

“Vision Media Television,” after getting exposed in a NY Times story as a ripoff production company, has changed its name to “GreatAmericaHD” and is back to its same tricks. The way it works is they call up non-profit organizations with an alluring pitch: a chance to be featured in a nationally-broadcast PBS show anchored by established broadcaster. In this case, Hugh Downs. What they don’t tell you is that you’ll have to front upwards of $20,000 in production costs, and the “program” they shoot will never see the light of day. [More]

Energy Co Fills House With Oil, Endangering Family

Energy Co Fills House With Oil, Endangering Family

A Long Island family was nearly incapacitated after a local energy company mistakenly delivered oil into a disconnected pipe on the front of their house, dumping nearly 50 gallons of heating oil into their basement. [More]

Took Matter Into Own Hands After RoboCaller Spoofed Cell

Took Matter Into Own Hands After RoboCaller Spoofed Cell

A scammy robocaller had spoofed Rodger’s phone number and angry recipients of the calls were calling him incessantly, but now it’s over. With AT&T’s help, he realized that the autodialer had spoofed his new work number, which was being forwarded to his cellphone. So he disabled the call forwarding, kept his cellphone number, and just had his new work number changed. Victory. [More]

Will A Human At BofA Finally Please Modify My $160,000 Underwater Mortgage

Will A Human At BofA Finally Please Modify My $160,000 Underwater Mortgage

Jim and Susan’s mortgage is underwater by $160,000. They want to live up to their obligations, they want to keep their home, but they can’t do it with a $370,000 mortgage on a house that’s only worth $210,000. An attorney told them to send some “jingle mail,” just pop the house keys in an envelope, mail it to the bank, and move away. What they really want is a modification so they can stay in their house, but Bank of America has been jerking them around and they don’t have faith that this last hurdle will actually get them a mod. Isn’t there a decision-making human at BofA that can finalize this deal for them? [More]

RoboCaller Spoofed My Cell, Now Angry People Call Me Nonstop

RoboCaller Spoofed My Cell, Now Angry People Call Me Nonstop

Rodger is screwed. A telephonic bot is using his cellphone number as the caller ID as it spam calls thousands of people. It’s probably a scam, too, because the message it leaves tells people that if they’ve had their credit card canceled recently, to press “1” and then enter their credit card number. Rodger knows exactly the message that’s left because loads of these people are angrily calling back his cellphone.

UPDATE: Took Matter Into Own Hands After RoboCaller Spoofed Cell

Delta Gives $50 To Apologize For Overcharging By $700

Delta Gives $50 To Apologize For Overcharging By $700

A young girl, trying to make it to her dying father’s bedside. An old airline that can’t find your reservation. A $1200 ticket that is now a $2000 ticket. A prefabricated apology for only $50. These, are the Delta chronicles… [More]