
TWC Supervisor Told CSR To Stop Giving CPR And Get Back To Work, Employees Allege

TWC Supervisor Told CSR To Stop Giving CPR And Get Back To Work, Employees Allege

After local news began investigating the death of a Time Warner Cable customer service rep, they made a shocking discovery. According to several sources at the scene, after the woman slumped at her desk, a co-worker began administering CPR, but was told to stop and get back to the phones by a supervisor. [More]

Vicks Accidentally Says It's Been Around For 1,000 Years

Vicks Accidentally Says It's Been Around For 1,000 Years

A typo on the Vicks website makes it look as if Vicks is saying it’s been around for 1,000+ years. Yes, indeed, perhaps what really ended the Dark Ages was the discovery of Vaporub. With it, William the Conqueror’s congestion and coughing from hanging out in musty castles could be relieved and he could get on with the business of invading England and establishing a more unified and stable feudal system of governance. [More]

93,000 PSN Accounts Suspended After Latest Attack

93,000 PSN Accounts Suspended After Latest Attack

PlayStation announced they’ve suspended 93,000 PSN accounts after the latest attack against their network. [More]

Credit Card Marketer Uses Clever Way To Circumvent New Regs

Credit Card Marketer Uses Clever Way To Circumvent New Regs

Looks like at least one credit card marketer has cooked up a clever way around regulations that forbid unsolicited credit cards from being issued and showing up in your mailbox. [More]

Subway: Cheaper To Order Footlong, Throw Away Half Of Bread Than Ordering 6-Inch With Double Meat

Subway: Cheaper To Order Footlong, Throw Away Half Of Bread Than Ordering 6-Inch With Double Meat

Aaron is trying to lose weight by cutting carbs out of his diet. When he eats at Subway, the first thing that he tried doing was ordering a 6-inch sub with double meat. Then he noticed something. It would actually be cheaper for him to order a footlong and just throw away half the bread. [More]

Family Sticks Block Party Invites In Neighbors' Mailboxes, USPS Charges Them Postage

Family Sticks Block Party Invites In Neighbors' Mailboxes, USPS Charges Them Postage

A Connecticut family that put invites for an upcoming Halloween block party in their neighbor’s mailboxes got spooked when the USPS figuratively rang their doorbell holding a big open bag. It was a bill from the USPS charging them 44 cents for postage for all the invites they had put in the mailboxes. [More]

A Cheaper Starbucks Latte: Order 2 Espresso Shots, Pour Own Milk

A Cheaper Starbucks Latte: Order 2 Espresso Shots, Pour Own Milk

If you order lattes at Starbucks, here’s a way to get them to for less while still getting the same drink. [More]

The Right Way To Get A Bartender's Attention

The Right Way To Get A Bartender's Attention

If you’ve ever felt like you need to send off flares and sparklers in order to get a drink from the bar, bartender and bar culture author Rosie Schaap has some advice on things that will work to get served faster. [More]

Entire Steel Bridge Stolen From Township

Entire Steel Bridge Stolen From Township

An all points bulletin is out in North Beaver Township, Pennsylvania for a 50 foot steel bridge that has gone missing. [More]

Direct2Drive Charges $149.85 For Stuff You Didn't Buy

Direct2Drive Charges $149.85 For Stuff You Didn't Buy

Reader Andrew noticed a funny Paypal charge from Direct2Drive, a site that lets you buy computer games online and download them to your computer. Direct2Drive had helped themselves to $149.85 from his account, even though he didn’t order anything from them. [More]

Bank Of America CEO Defends $5 Fee Hike: We Have "Right To Make A Profit"

Bank Of America CEO Defends $5 Fee Hike: We Have "Right To Make A Profit"

Bank of America has taken a lot of flack over the bank’s decision to levy a $5 monthly fee on debit card holders. Now the CEO is firing right back. [More]

How To Lock A Bike Properly

How To Lock A Bike Properly

Bicycle mechanic for three decades Hal Ruzal shows you how to lock up your bike properly, so while the cops are using bait bikes to catch bike thieves, you can keep on riding high. [More]

Higher Education Charging High Prices For Food On Campus

Higher Education Charging High Prices For Food On Campus

It’s not just drug stores that have boosted prices for grocery items, but also campus dining options at universities. Reader Bryan Carroll wrote an article about them for his school newspaper at Stonybrook University, The Statesman. On average, he found the food items from the campus commissary were a whopping 42 percent higher than local grocery stores. [More]

Wisconsin Rep Seeks To Repeal Anti-Margarine Law

Wisconsin Rep Seeks To Repeal Anti-Margarine Law

A Wisconsin state legislative rep who Googled “Stupid Wisconsin Laws” has introduced a bill to overturn one of the dumbest ones he found: a law that forbids “colored margarine” from being served at a restaurant unless a customer asks for it. [More]

Couple Sues Cox After Cable Guy Kills Their Son

Couple Sues Cox After Cable Guy Kills Their Son

An Arizona family is suing Cox cable company after one of the cable companies’ outsourced technicians executed their son in a botched break-in. That ex-contractor is now sitting on death row. [More]

TSA Agent Retrieves Cellphone From Locked Car, Hands To You At Gate

TSA Agent Retrieves Cellphone From Locked Car, Hands To You At Gate

TSA agents get a bad rap here and elsewhere, so when one of them acts like a human being, nay, a super human being, it is our duty to inform you. Alanna had one such experience this morning when a TSA agent went extremely out of her way to help Alanna get her cellphone from the rental car she had locked it in. This was very helpful because the rental office only opened a half-hour before her plane took off. [More]

Metal Theft Follows In Irene's Wake

Metal Theft Follows In Irene's Wake

As Tropical Storm Irene has receded, thieves have followed in its wake, and they’re hungry for metal. Several Vermont towns have been hit by metal thieves seeking to take advantage of the disarray as people try to clean up and get their lives back together. [More]

Banks Marketing 1% APR Bank Accounts As "High-Yield"

Banks Marketing 1% APR Bank Accounts As "High-Yield"

Considering how “high-yield” savings accounts used to give returns of 4-5%, reader Phil thinks it’s a bit disingenuous for banks to continue marketing them as such when the rates are only 1%. He sent in a picture of a recent piece of junk mail he got from American Express to illustrate. [More]