
Caller ID Says "Phone Scam"

Caller ID Says "Phone Scam"

Telemarketing credit card fraudsters aren’t even trying anymore. Reader Chris took a picture of the caller ID for one of them actually showing up as “PHONE SCAM.” [More]

The Christmas Creep Store

The Christmas Creep Store

Christmas Creep is in high gear at Tyson’s Corner Mall in Mclean, Virginia, where they actually have a whole store dedicated it. [More]

RyanAir Hides Travel Insurance Opt-Out Under "Country Of Residence" Drop-Down

RyanAir Hides Travel Insurance Opt-Out Under "Country Of Residence" Drop-Down

“Dark patterns” are when web designers exploit common browsing behaviors and use them to trick people into do something that’s to their disadvantage. One of these, the “anti-scan trick question,” is used by RyanAir to get people to sign up for travel insurance. Counterintuitively, to opt out you have to scroll through a “please select country of residence” drop-down menu. Sneaky. [More]

"World Progress Report" Latest Incarnation Of Vision Media

"World Progress Report" Latest Incarnation Of Vision Media

In April, NPR reported on how Vision Media was calling up non-profits, promising them a Hugh Downs-anchored PBS special. All they would have to do is underwrite the production costs. Instead, those who signed up and paid up got a pile of poorly made ads on DVD, and no airtime. Now the firm seems to once again changed names and hosts. They’re going by “World Progress Report” and the ostensible anchor is former Good Morning America newscaster Joan Lunden. [More]

Norton SystemWorks 2006 On Sale At Walmart For Only $59.72

Norton SystemWorks 2006 On Sale At Walmart For Only $59.72

James spotted a copy of Norton SystemWorks 2006 on sale at his local Walmart for the must-have price of $59.72. Maybe it’s a collectible. [More]

Chase Just Goes Ahead And Adds Overdraft Protection To Your Account

Chase Just Goes Ahead And Adds Overdraft Protection To Your Account

Lori called up Chase to tell them that she was traveling internationally in the next few weeks. She wanted them to note her account so there wouldn’t be any blocks when charges from far-away countries started appearing. Then the fast-talking rep just sort of added overdraft protection to Lori’s account, just casually worked it in there, like she was doing her a courtesy. [More]

Glossary Of Coupon Ninja Message Board Terms

Glossary Of Coupon Ninja Message Board Terms

You want to get in on the hot coupon action. You read stories like the one yesterday about the lady who bought 51 items for $45.56 using coupons and you think, damn, I want to go to there. The best deals are getting swapped among elite coupon freaks in online coupon forums where they trade the latest coupons, tips and tactics and refine their deal strategies. But penetrating these zones can seem daunting for the novice, especially when they speak in their own coded language. DND9? OOP? WYB? To help out, here’s a big glossary of common coupon terms and abbreviations to help get you started and not come off as such a newbie. [More]

While The Children Ran For Ice Cream, She Reached For Her Bleach

While The Children Ran For Ice Cream, She Reached For Her Bleach

From the disproportionate reaction file comes a Sacramento, California woman arrested for tossing bleach all over an ice cream man. Were they out of Huckleberry Fudge Swirl? Nope, she thought the ice cream man had shortchanged her a week ago. [More]

Saved $99.48 With Coupons, Bought 51 Items For $45.46

Saved $99.48 With Coupons, Bought 51 Items For $45.46

Consumerist reader LadySiren, married with 5 kids, is a coupon ninja by necessity. “My kids go through a box and a half of Pop-Tarts each time they eat them for breakfast,” she writes by way of explanation. Here’s how, in exhaustive detail, she bought 51 items at the supermarket this week using coupons, super double coupons, and catalinas, for only $45.56, saving $99.48. Her haul is pictured. [More]

Lady Bites Into McDonald's Burger Bursting With Maggots

Lady Bites Into McDonald's Burger Bursting With Maggots

An Iowa woman got more than a mouthful when she bit into a McDonald’s burger. She also got some extra protein, thanks to the maggots crawling around inside it. [More]

Maggots Cleansed From McDonald's Coffee Maker

Maggots Cleansed From McDonald's Coffee Maker

If you live in Lansing, Michigan, you can stop worrying: there are now no maggots in the McDonald’s coffee machine. [More]

24-Hour Fitness Would Rather Lose 2 Members Than Let You Use Your Free Pass

24-Hour Fitness Would Rather Lose 2 Members Than Let You Use Your Free Pass

Thanks to a policy-lovin’ member-hatin’ front-desk bizzatch, 24-Hour Fitness is losing two annual members. But hey, at least they didn’t get scammed by someone trying to redeem a 7-day pass, right? [More]

ID Theft Victim Receives Ceaseless Cavalcade Of Stolen Packages

ID Theft Victim Receives Ceaseless Cavalcade Of Stolen Packages

This lady’s address was used by credit card thieves who were scoping out different merchants’ fraud triggering levels. Which meant that she was receiving packages for and calls about a portable night light, Vietnamese movies, and a $2,500 Gibson. Every day for two months she got something new, and no one could stop it. [More]

Fired Domino's Worker Torches Two Of Its Stores

Fired Domino's Worker Torches Two Of Its Stores

A disgruntled ex-Domino’s Pizza employee was arrested after starting fires inside two of the chain’s stores. The blazes began when he came to the places after hours and lit piles of pizza boxes on fire. [More]

Store Says Mother Is "Too Fat" To Enter Warehouse

Store Says Mother Is "Too Fat" To Enter Warehouse

Alexis said she went to an appliance store and was invited to come into the back warehouse to look for a washer, but her mother was forbidden as she was “too fat.” [More]

Court Says Man Can't Be Fired For "Stealing" 2 Cents Of Electricity From Work

Court Says Man Can't Be Fired For "Stealing" 2 Cents Of Electricity From Work

A court has ruled that the man who was fired after he charged his Segway at work for 1.5 hours was wrongfully terminated. His boss asked him to remove the unit from the power source and 12 days later he got sacked for “stealing electricity.” The amount of power he absconded with was estimated to be of 2 cents in value. [More]

Buy The Two-Pack And Save -$.53!

Jared spotted this dubious deal at his local Walmart. You can get a bottle of Old Spice high endurance body wash for $2.97, or the two-pack for $6.47. There should be a bulk discount, right? Nope, you’ll actually pay $.53 more if you buy the bundle instead of the two individually. Hey, that plastic wrap is really, um, convenient, and there’s a convenience premium. Yeah, that’s the ticket. [More]

Things Chefs Will Never Tell You

Things Chefs Will Never Tell You

An anonymous survey of chefs across the country revealed insider tips about how to get the best value when eating out, as well as some other things that might curdle your appetite: [More]