Texas wedding caterer Dale Cane found a dead rat’s head in one of the twenty cans of Allen’s Italian Green Beans he bought at Walmart. Allen’s quickly offered Cane $200 if he agreed to keep quiet, and assured him that “the Pasteurization process renders the product sterile and completely safe for consumption.” Even worse, this isn’t the first time a dead rat’s head popped up in a can of Allen’s Green Beans…

U.S. Marshals Raid Rat-Infested PETCO Distribution Center
The FDA sent U.S. Marshals to seize “various animal food products” stored at a PETCO distribution center in Joliet, Illinois yesterday, because the storage conditions had been deemed unsanitary twice in a row:

Rat-Infested KFC/Taco Bell Is Now A T-Mobile
Worried about consuming any type of food at the former location of the infamous rat-infested KFC/Taco Bell in New York City? We are too. That’s why we’re glad to hear that the new tenant is non other than our giant magenta friend, T-Mobile.
Which Do You Prefer? One Cat? Or A Thousand Rats?
Luis Martinez, 42, has managed his brother’s grocery in East New York, Brooklyn, for two years. At first, despite weekly visits from an exterminator, the store’s inventory was ravaged constantly by nibbling vermin.

Pinkberry Yogurt Shop Is Vermin Infested
Oh, great. Here we go again: ABC7 New York has video of several mice running happily around the inside of trendier-than-thou frozen yogurt spot Pinkberry, located on the Upper East Side. The footage is gross, gross enough that it would dissuade us from eating there, but the Pinkberry faithful just didn’t seem to care when ABC7 showed them the footage and asked for comment:
We alerted customers about the mice. But today’s discovery didn’t affect the line that did continue to snake out the door.

Pizza Hut Worker Fired For Reporting Mice To Health Department
Health inspectors closed a Pizza Hut restaurant in east Raleigh after a worker found live mice inside it. The employee who notified the health department about the mice says she was fired for reporting the problem.
In an initial inspection, a heath department inspector found mouse droppings behind an ice machine, but gave the restaurant a passing grade because she didn’t find any live animals. A contractor put out glue traps, and when the worker in question arrived at the restaurant the next morning, she found 6 live mice stuck to the traps.

Rat Infested KFC/Taco Bell Closed Forever And Ever
Yum! Brands just issued a press release apologizing once again for that rat infested KFC/Taco Bell in NYC. Further, they confirmed that the rat infested restaurant had served its last customer.
Since the incident, this KFC-Taco Bell restaurant has been closed for business, and it will not reopen.
Done! No more KFC/Taco Bell. It’s gone forever and ever. It’s been abandoned to the rats who claimed it as their own.

New York City Health Department Takes Blame For Rat Fiasco
New York City’s Health Department has taken the blame for the KFC/Taco Bell rat infestation that made national news. (If, though some miracle you haven’t seen the footage yet, i.e. you’ve just come out of a coma or recently regained lost eye-sight, do give it a look. It’s worth it.) Anyhow, the inspector who gave a pass to the KFC/Taco Bell has resigned and the Health Department is, like, really sorry and stuff.

Warning: Rats In The Walmart!
Rats! In the Walmart! New York City may have more than its share of rodents, but one pest we don’t have is Walmart…which is why for this rat infestation report we’ll be traveling all the way to sunny Phoenix! From KTAR:
A health inspector said he found mouse droppings at a Valley Wal-Mart on Monday after shoppers reported seeing rodents in a bakery case.

NYC Health Department Closes 'Hip' Union Square 'Coffee Shop'
Yesterday, would-be Coffee Shop diners were shocked to see their neighborhood hotspot shuttered. “I wasn’t surprised about Taco Bell, but this?” a regular patron, Ursula Pilter, 34, said. “It’s such a hip place. I just can’t believe it.”
Oh, no! Not ‘hip’ restaurants! You mean rats don’t know they’re not cool enough to hang out at the Coffee Shop? —MEGHANN MARCO

NYC Health Commissioner: Rats Are Not A Health Risk
The city spends $8 million a year on rodent control and has a team of more than 100 inspectors who close about 500 restaurants each year.

More Fast Food Rats In Tomorrow's New York Post?
I was just at Au Bon Pain on 38th & 3rd, and when I stepped outside with my coffee, a NYPost reporter and photographer stopped me to talk about the recent spate of rat sightings in that particular ABP, and their poor grades on recent health inspections. He said a story will run in tomorrow’s Post (headline: French Rats Invade! (?)). We stood on the corner and chatted about the recent KFC thing, and he agreed that if he could get them on video, it could be another front-page ‘scandal’. I had previously seen a little mouse in the ABP on 39th & Madison, (which they said they’d check out) but these guys said large rats were spotted this time. He asked me if I was still going to drink the coffee, and I shrugged and said ‘I went to Manhattan College, so rats in the eating area isn’t a huge deal to me.’ He smiled and said look in tomorrow’s News section.
Well, we’ll say one thing for the New York Post, they’re certainly more proactive than the NYC Health Department. Have any of you people seen rats at the Au Bon Pain? —MEGHANN MARCO

Health Inspector That Passed The Rat Infested KFC Suspended
The health inspector – whose name was not released – was “removed from restaurant inspection duty,” while the city’s health department reviews other inspections the staffer performed since being put on the job in June 2006, officials said.

KFC/Taco Bell Rat Apologist Comments On Vincent Ferrari's Blog
KFC/Taco Bell left a note over on Vincent Ferrari’s blog on a post about the profusion of rats at a western Manhattan KFC. We really liked this part (emphasis added):

Rat Infested KFC Passed Health Inspection The Day Before
“It doesn’t look like the inspection that was done Thursday met our standards,” said Geoffrey Cowley, a health department spokesman. “I don’t want to prejudge that. We’re concerned and we’re going to carefully reevaluate that inspection.”
The so-called inspection was performed in response to complaints about rats in the restaurant, and yet the inspector couldn’t find any. How mysterious. —MEGHANN MARCO
KFC Taco Bell Rats Gone Wild: Raw Video Footage
Raw video footage of the massive rat infestation in a West Village KFC/Taco Bell. If you do not watch another You Tube video today, or for the rest of your life, watch this one.
Massive Pound-And-A-Half Rats Infest KFC/Taco Bell In The West Village
CBS 2 cameras caught dozens of them early Friday morning through the window of this closed KFC-Taco Bell in the West Village.
Upton Sinclair’s Starbucks
Yeesh. Cockroaches scurrying over boxes. Dead mice drowned in the back alley. Scavenger faeces amongst the food stuffs. Little Polish boys found eaten alive by rats when they drink too much beer on the premises. What is this, The Jungle?