Fiverr is a website where people post gigs they’re willing to do for five dollars. Does it work? I dunno, but it’s a lot of fun to read through the offers: someone will burn a small paper effigy of your enemy, or send you a sock puppet, or turn a photo into a cross-stitch pattern for you. My favorite is, “I will give you $10 if you find two people to give me $5 for $5.” [More]
random Thinks Reader's Balls Are Splendid
Amazon’s new PayPhrase service has its advantages and disadvantages, but one curious feature is that the system generates sample phrases for you. Usually these are pretty innocuous and uplifting—”Laura’s Amazing Effort” and the like. But not for Gil. The PayPhrase system took the opportunity to comment on his private parts, and generated the phrase “Gil’s Splendid Balls” for him.

How Toothpaste Got Its Stripes
If you always assumed striped toothpaste was the work of a magic devil, assume again. It turns out it’s the work of a little extended pipe inside the tube that merges the different colored substances onto the toothpaste highway and straight onto your brush. That mechanical trick is half a century old, however; modern varieties sometimes just come that way, as this frozen toothpaste photo that’s been around for a while demonstrates.

Celebrity chef Paul Prudhomme (of Paul Prudhomme’s Magic Seasoning Blends) says “he was in the midst of setting up his cooking tent at a golf tournament in New Orleans when he heard a kind of “whistley zing” and felt a sting in his arm. Prudhomme shook his shirt sleeve found a .22-caliber bullet in his long johns.” [NPR]

Steve Jobs Only Wishes He Could Price Like This
Erin writes, “I was searching for an iPod Nano on Google Products and this link came up!” That’s one hell of a markup there, anonymous web store with no branding and an empty “Contact Us” page. Our favorite part: “NOT FOR RESALE”—don’t even think about buying this and marking it up for your own store.

People Suddenly Love V8? What?
An article in Newsday asks the question: “Why are Campbell’s V8 juices suddenly selling?” We didn’t even realize they were.

AT&T Randomly Sends You A Check For $2.82
The woman at AT&T told me I received it because AT&T no longer provided telecom service to the Penn State campus – where I haven’t lived for 8 years (because I am 100). I’m not sure what went down so that they’re sending me almost three whole dollars, but it’s three dollars I didn’t have this morning, so… Aces.
Kate tells us she’s very excited to cash her check so she can buy “IN TOUCH and some gum.” She also notes that the check says “CON REFUNDS,” which we feel is heartwarmingly honest of AT&T —MEGHANN MARCO