Note: This is not a rant or venting session. I was laid off after the holidays, and I have no hard feelings about it ( Layoffs happen to everyone these days) . This is simply a guide to shopping at RadioShack ( henceforth known as RS) for any consumer who likes or buys electronics,written by someone who’s sold far too much of them.

Radio Shack, You’ve Got Questions, Bully For You
Radio Shack bills itself as the happy place where if, “You’ve Got Questions, We’ve Got Answers.” Having gone there a few times to pick up audio supplies and the like, it seems the only question they’re equipped in answering is “Where are your audio converter cables?” Beyond that, don’t ask. Do your research online and buy there, even, only venturing into the retail store if you need your wares that day or the amount of gas costs less than shipping.

Blog All Day, Dance All Night
What are the speakers of choice for successful overlords of blog industry? Nick Denton, Gawker Media head honcho and international bon vivant, prefers Mackie 450s.