
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have a happy turkey day! We’ll be too busy stuffing our face to make any posts unless we happen to fall across the keyboard in a tryptophanic haze. So if you see some that are all like al;sdkn;aj’lfdkknsm knamldmmmmmm gravy… you’ll know what’s up. Otherwise, don’t buy anything Friday because it sucks out there and we’ll see you Monday! Woo! (Photo: The Joy Of The Mundane)


Enjoy the guest post stylings of intern Alex Jarvis today as Meghann and I attend a Columbia Graduate School of Journalism conference about the online consumer revolution. I’ll be a panelist in a discussion called “Are Consumers the Right Watchdogs?” I don’t think I’ll be letting the cat too much out the bag to say I plan on arguing that you most definitely are. Please help Alex out by sending lots of good tips to!

Alert: You Cannot Buy Consumerist With Doodle Money

Alert: You Cannot Buy Consumerist With Doodle Money

Our post last Friday gave people some great business ideas. We appreciate the offers, but we must insist that you do not try to purchase Consumerist with doodle currency that you have minted yourself, probably while drinking. You can, however, try to bail out the auto industry with it if you want.

Chris Walters Guest Posts

Chris Walters will be filling in for Meghann today, Monday, and Tuesday.

Consumerist Is For Sale

Economic times being what they are, Gawker must refocus its efforts on its most commercially successful blogs. Which means, yes, The Consumerist is for sale.

Consumerist Launches Design Tweaks

Consumerist Launches Design Tweaks

We launched some design tweaks for enhanced readability today. Font size is a bit larger. Titles are bit larger. Inside the post, the font is even larger and the text now goes to 800pixels or so wide. All the tags on a post appear in the read more section. Metadata appears underneath the title inside the post. This should make for easier reading, and things will get to looking even better as we learn how to wrangle the new format. Love it? Leave it? Leave your thoughts in the comments. Found a bug? Leave a note on the Gawker bug report site.

Take Survey, Help Consumerist

Take Survey, Help Consumerist

Hey, can you help us out? Take this quick survey so we can learn more about our readers and use that information to sell more ads so we can afford more posts again. Posts, you like posts, right?

Run Consumerist's Ads

Run Consumerist's Ads

The Consumerist seeks an outside partner to run our ad inventory management and sales. With over 14 million pageviews per month, #29 on the Technorati top 100, a devoted readership, and frequent mainstream media mentions and appearances, it’s a gangbusters opportunity for the right people at a reputable company that gets our readers. If you’ve got serious hustle, integrity, and imagination, contact Ben Popken at

Minor Comments Changes: Auto-Collapses And Star Rules

Minor Comments Changes: Auto-Collapses And Star Rules

Any comment that isn’t part of an active thread, or had a recent response, will be collapsed — unless the commenter is a star or one of your friends. Stars are now only by an editor or admin. Previously, you get earn a star just by having a certain number of friends and followers, but no longer. However, if you already have a star, you will get to keep it. Unless you start stinking and we remove it. You’ve probably already noticed these changes, they’ve been in effect for about a week.

Reach Gawker Executive Customer Service

Reach Gawker Executive Customer Service

If you have feedback or questions about Consumerist or any other blog on the Gawker Media Network, there’s now a handy Feedback link at the bottom of our front page. Click and you’ll go to a nice place where you can post questions and comments and watch as Gawker employees and other readers respond.

Harassed By US National Bank "Debt Collectors?" Let's Talk

Harassed By US National Bank "Debt Collectors?" Let's Talk

Has a “debt collector” from “US National Bank” called you up and tried to railroad you into repaying an online payday loan you payed off years ago? Have they harassed you at work, threatened you will jail time, said they’re sending the sheriff after you, or used other illegal and intimidating tactics? I’m working on a story for Reader’s Digest about scams, and this is one of them I want to blow out the water. Email your story to with “USNB Scam” in the subject line. My deadline is very short, this Friday, October 17th, 2008. Digging deeper into this particularly nasty form of illegal debt collecting, it seems what they’re doing is…


Don’t forget we have a Consumerist Comments Code containing various rules and guidelines that help make comments a nice places for people to have conversations.

Scammed? Let's Talk

Scammed? Let's Talk

Looking for sources for an article I’m working on for a major national magazine.

Email me at, along with how you knew it was a scam. If you got one of the banking crisis phish emails, forward that too.



After nearly two years and 1,221 posts, it’s time to hang up my fedora and say goodbye.

Get All Gawker Networks' Economic Crisis Coverage At Economy.Consumerist.Com

Get All Gawker Networks' Economic Crisis Coverage At Economy.Consumerist.Com

Gawker has launched to make it easier for you to stay smarter than your cubicle mate by keeping track of the latest in the global money meltdown as reported across the entire Gawker Media Network…

Consumerist Forced To Cut Staff

This is the one internal memo I’m unhappy about leaking: In light of the recession, Consumerist will have to say goodbye to two writers. You’ve got two weeks to enjoy the excellent work and writings of Carey Greenberg-Berger and Chris Walters. Our owner, Gawker Media Network, is forcing me to make these very painful cuts. This means it will just be myself and Meghann posting during the week. Not sure what to do about the weekends, maybe we’ll just post some raw reader letters. It’s very sad. Carey has been with us for two years, Chris has been with us for a year. They’ve completely killed during their time, and I’m proud to have worked by their side. The site won’t be the same without them. Any smart publisher would be lucky to hire them now that they’re on the open market. You can read the full text of our boss’s email announcement, inside.

Two New Commenter Tools

Two New Commenter Tools

Two new tweaks for the comments section:

Chronological Comments Are Back

Chronological Comments Are Back

Thanks to your feedback, there’s two important tweaks to the comments revamp from yesterday: